aws / aws-cdk-rfcs

RFCs for the AWS CDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CDK Common Stored Data Type Model

MrArnoldPalmer opened this issue · comments

PR Champion


While defining the CDK constructs for AppSync, it has become apparent that defining the "shape" of data that aws services interact with occurs in multiple places within CDK. Often times, it is useful for these services to be able to pass around and reference the type of data stored in another service.

If a user declares a type "Person", and that type is stored in a dynamo table, as well as is in the message body of an SQS queue, and declared within a graphql schema, a common data model would allow CDK to more intelligently construct references between the resources.

This is very similar to what Punchcard is doing. There is a common set of primitives like Type that can be extended. You can declare a dynamo db table with an instance of Type as well as a graphql type.

This obviously could be useful in a ton of services where data flows in/out with a known shape:


  • Tracking Issue Created
  • RFC PR Created
  • Core Team Member Assigned
  • Initial Approval / Final Comment Period
  • Ready For Implementation
    • implementation issue 1
  • Resolved