aws / aws-app-mesh-examples

AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that you can use with your microservices to manage service to service communication.

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[BUG] Why COLOR_GATEWAY_IMAGE is creating without region(even hardcoded) attached to it

prasadnh opened this issue · comments


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Describe the bug
I was trying to run of gateway/colorteller, creating image without region in the name attached to the string.


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...' gitdir/aws-app-mesh-examples/examples/apps/colorapp/src/gateway
  2. '....' run ./
    Note: I have hardcoded the values by adding region. still when i run ./, its creating image

Expected behavior

current behavior:
docker push <acc_id>
The push refers to repository [<acc_id>]
Get https://<acc_id> Bad Gateway

Config files, and API responses
If applicable config files and responses from our API.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


manually ran docker tag to fix this issue