aws / amazon-cloudwatch-logs-for-fluent-bit

A Fluent Bit output plugin for CloudWatch Logs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS console missing Options for S3 and path

Oegma2 opened this issue · comments

In order to do advance routing with fluentbit, we need access to the options fields in the task-definition side of things, but not available from the console - see image below for a suggestion


The options I am looking at in the task-definition side see image below


Would be really handy if the aws console provides options for either file, s3, and ability to use custom fluentbit images...

@Oegma2 We're aware of this. This repo is not the best place to track this request; the container-roadmap is the right place. Can you close this and open it there?

@PettitWesley - Thanks for the quick response - Will close this ticket and open it on the container roadmap page - makes sense :)