aws-samples / aws-bootstrap-kit-examples

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Update Domain Name

dempti opened this issue · comments

Hi All,

Can I update the domain which is set on cdk.json after applying all the changes.
The infra for SDLC has been created along with all the route 53 registration by the cdk itself.
Now, if I want to change it to some other doman, can I go ahead and do it

I dont want to mess the current setup right now, so it would be great if anycone can help me out on this..

Update will work with the following procedure a caveat:

  1. Update 1-SDLC-Organization/cdk.json file with the new domain_name, commit, push and approve the pipeline in Main account.
    [ISSUE] as soon as the landing zone pipeline succeed to deploy, your old dns won't work anymore so your apps behind it won't be accessible anymore (for ~ 30mins if you chain properly those steps)
  2. Update your apps cdk.json with the new domain_name, commit and push
    As soon as the app pipeline successfully run in CICD account your app will be accessible through the new domain name

I created an issue to mitigate this issue (#87).

Hi flochaz,

Thank you for your response. Right now I have only deployed SDLC-organization, so I don't think I need step2 right?
Also, do I need to run npm run deploy command again to deploy the changes or will it be handled once I push the changes to the github repository

Hi @flochaz

The system I deployed is based on the this commit commit.
Will there be any issue if new changes of SDLC are included during the domain update as well?

Hi @flochaz ,

Is there any documentation on how those route53 domains interact with different organization, how they are accessed from one organization to another?

Hi @dempti,

This diagram shows how the mechanism of assume role works. But we lack documentation on how this hierarchy is created but here is the code creating the roles and zones and here is the simple logic enabling to create one role per account, those are instanciated (Root Zone and dedicated update role per workload account) by the SDLC-Organization/LandingZone stack. And last but not least, here is the custom resource used by the different app to create the Cross account delegated zone . I hope it helps.