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Merge_xmltv issue xmltv_id changing during channel creation

jamesm147 opened this issue · comments

This is resulting in epg being broken. xmltv_id"" becomes "NSW - Sydney - ABC COMEDY/ABC KIDS NSW - Channel 22"

Source line--
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="1010:0221:0222" xmltv_id="">NSW - Sydney - ABC COMEDY/ABC KIDS NSW - Channel 22</channel>

Result after channel creation--
<channel update="i" site="merge-xmltv" site_id="" xmltv_id="NSW - Sydney - ABC COMEDY/ABC KIDS NSW - Channel 22">NSW - Sydney - ABC COMEDY/ABC KIDS NSW - Channel 22</channel>

Ir has to be something in the channel creation. Here's what mine looks like.

* @auto_xml_channel_start
*index_site_id.scrub {regex||<channel [^>]*id="[^\"]*"[^>]*>.*?</channel>||}
*scope.range {(channellist)|end}
*index_site_channel.modify {addstart|'index_site_id'}
*index_site_id.modify {substring(type=regex)|<channel [^>]*id="([^\"]*)"[^>]*>}
*index_site_channel.modify {substring(type=regex)|<display-name [^>]*>(.*?)</display-name>}
*index_site_id.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates=equal link="index_site_channel")}
** @auto_xml_channel_end