awestruct / awestruct

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Allow some Javascript preprocessing

derkork opened this issue · comments

Just as there is preprocessing for SCSS it would be nice if there was built-in preprocessing for JavaScript dialects like TypeScript, CoffeeScript or ES6.

If there's a tilt extension for the preprocessor (and you have the gems
installed) it should just work. Make sure you have the file extension right
for the preprocessor.

On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, Jan Thomä

Just as there is preprocessing for SCSS it would be nice if there was
built-in preprocessing for JavaScript dialects like TypeScript,
CoffeeScript or ES6.

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Hmm there seems to be no tilt extension for TypeScript, guess I am out of luck then.

You could write your own tilt handler for it, then register it in an
extension. Shouldn't be terribly difficult. I don't add any gems that look
like they do the work for typescript like they do coffescript though.

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Jan Thomä

Hmm there seems to be no tilt extension for TypeScript, guess I am out of
luck then.

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#484 (comment)

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Okay, I will give it a shot. Thanks.

So I added a tilt handler for typescript (which was easy)

# in pipeline.rb
require 'typescript'

::Tilt::register ::Tilt::TypeScriptTemplate, 'ts'

require 'tilt/template'
require 'typescript-node'

module Tilt
  class TypeScriptTemplate < Template
    def prepare
      options[:filename] ||= file

    def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
      @output ||= TypeScript::Node.compile(data, '--target', 'ES5')

Seems to work fine, when I name a typescript file like "foo.js.ts", it's getting compiled to "foo.js.html" instead of just "foo.js". How can I make awestruct use the correct extension?

Take a look at You'll see that using a double filename is really just a hack (that honestly probably isn't needed any longer thanks to tilt) for html templates. What you'll need to do is in your Tilt Template create a default_mime_type method which will return 'application/javascript'.

This is some great work by the way!

Ok added this and it now works. Here's the final code of typescript.rb, just for reference:

require 'tilt/template'
require 'typescript-node'

module Tilt
  class TypeScriptTemplate < Template
    self.default_mime_type = 'application/javascript'

    def prepare
      options[:filename] ||= file

    def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
      @output ||= TypeScript::Node.compile(data, '--target', 'ES5')

You need to add

gem 'typescript-node'

to your Gemfile for this to work.

excellent work! Are we okay to close? This would actually make a very good post to the site on how to add formats.

Closing it now. Feel free to add it to a post on the site :)