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feat: Add some way for awesome.spawn to set G_SPAWN stdio flags.

aarondill opened this issue · comments

The specific flags in question are:


Documentation for these flags is found here:

Reason for feature:

Attempting to spawn a process (using awesome.spawn directly or indirectly ((awful.spawn.*))) with it's stdio pointing to /dev/null is currently impossible (without manually spawning using lgi bindings to g_spawn_async_with_pipes, but this means snid detection can't be used).

Use case:

My personal use case is to spawn certain noisey processes (for example: browser) without outputting their results to the console.
In my configuration, awesome's stdout and stderr are redirected to a log file so I can check for errors later, but this file also includes all processes spawned by awesome.spawn.
I tried using the return_std{in,out,err} parameters to avoid this issue, but ended up running out of FD and being unable to spawn processes. (super frustrating to debug...)
Using the return_std{in,out,err} parameters, you could return parameters and close them, but most applications will die on SIGPIPE (from closing stdout/stderr) so this is not feasible. Additionally, if return_stdin is false, stdin is connected to /dev/null anyways, so this becomes entirely pointless.

Current implementation:

The options given for awesome.spawn are booleans that determine whether file descriptors should be returned.
If false or nil is passed for stdout/stderr then the program will inherit the corresponding stream from awesome, and if true is passed, a new fd is created and returned for use in the program (presumably using LGI).
This makes it impossible to simply discard the output (redirect to /dev/null)

note: stdin will be redirected from /dev/null by default (see:
This instead makes it impossible to inherit stdin from awesome (unlikely situation, but perhaps a program needs console access?)

Desired result:

Ideally, there would be a way to indicate to awesome.spawn that stdout/stderr should not be returned, but rather redirected to /dev/null.

Possible Implementations:

  • Another parameter :(
    • Pros: backwards compatability
    • Cons: Another parameter. Given that awesome.spawn takes 7 params right now, this seems bad.
  • Expand the return_std{in,out,err} params to allow non-boolean parameters (See below for examples).
    • Pros: Potential expansion?
    • Cons: Multiple types must now be checked and supported.
  • Finally, we could drop the 7 parameters and replace it with a table?
    • Pros:
      • Much more readable than the current implementation
      • Allows future expansion of parameters if desired
    • Cons:
      • the previous implementation would need to be maintained for backwards compatibility, but that could be done in lua (?)
      • the C implementation to get values from this table could be difficult? Sadly, I don't know enough C (or the lua VM) to know, but it seems more complex from the C side.

Examples for second implementation (expand return_std{in,out,err})

The second implementation could be an integer with special values. For example:

  • -1 means inherit stream (only really useful for stdin, see note above)
  • 0 means return fd for stream (true does too for backward compatibility)
  • 1 means redirect to '/dev/null'
  • false would mean keep the GLIB default values (for backward compatibility)

Or, it could be a string. For example:

  • true means return fd for stream
  • false means keep the GLIB default values (for backward compatibility)
  • "/dev/null" means redirect to '/dev/null'
  • "inherit" means inherit stream (only really useful for stdin, see note above)
  • other values could potentially be used as a filename to redirect the output stream to?
    • If this was chosen, then "inherit" might need to be changed?
    • not sure if this is possible using g_spawn_async_with_pipes.

For some additional concrete real-world context, here's the chronology of my attempt to reduce the number of open FDs (from 2048!) while still keeping my log readable (chromium really hates my computer and complains about it every time a pointer event occurs.)

Half un-related (this is a hack and not a proper solution): Replace awesome.spawn("browser") with awesome.spawn_with_shell("browser > /dev/null") (stderr can be redirected in the same way if needed). For bonus points, use exec browser to get rid of the shell after it did its job.

awesome.spawn_with_shell isn't a function, you're thinking awful.spawn.with_shell, but awesome.spawn({"sh", "-c", "exec browser &>/dev/null"}) would work the way you specify, however this remove the error detection (ie, no longer returns a string and now requires an exit_callback to check for), and also opens the door for potential shell injections (which are avoided with awesome.spawn normally)

I don't have that much time right now. Do you think you can do a pull request? You have all the context.

A better alternative would be to implement the nonsense required for systemd cgroup based replacement for started notification to work. It's part of the same code (and both could be done at the same time). For that, some code in between the fork and the exec need to be added to "wait" for the process to be moved to the group before calling exec on the spanned process. glib has most of the APIs to do it. With that implemented, along with the startup id, you get a process group and you are able to keep tracking which awful.spawn was the source of clients even if there are multiple ones.

@Elv13 I'm sorry, I don't think I understand how using systems cgroups would effectively replace the current startup notifications or how they would fix the original issue by allowing the user to dictate where the process' sys{in,out,err} is connected?

Also, I'm afraid however we end up deciding to implement this, I likely won't be much help, as I'm only mildly familiar with C and glib. I'm actively learning to read C, but writing it is a whole other story, and in terms of glib, I've gotten frustratingly familiar with it, but I've only used it though lgi in lua (almost certainly a much nicer experience than using it in C, and that's saying a lot because its quirks are annoying enough in lua)

(I'll mark this comment as off-topic in a moment since... we are getting off-topic)

I don't think I understand how using systems cgroups would effectively replace the current startup notifications

Assuming an app sets the _NET_WM_PID property on its window, one could look up the cgroup containing the pid and get information via that. Pseudo"code":

  • When starting a program, record the cgroup and extra metadata for the startup
  • When a new window opens, look up its pid, look up the containing cgroup, check for the metadata to map this to the program that was started (metadata could e.g. "windows should be on tag 5").

Without cgroups we only have the pid that we started and that is not necessary the same pid as the window that opens, e.g. programs that have shell script wrappers that do stuff before the final app starts.

In theory startup notification works around this, too. It works by setting an environment variable to some random-ish string and the program sets a property on its window to this random-ish string. Problem is that this needs to be implemented in the app and few apps do.

Neither approach works with stuff like web browsers where only the first "spawn" opens a window and later spawns use an IPC mechanism to tell the already running process to open a new window. Thus, the cgroup would be lost, but in theory startup notification can be supported that way.