awegg / landroidcc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

get_error() return issue

ronmichel opened this issue · comments

    def get_error(self):
        Returns the error as string. If there is no error, "No Error" is returned
        :return: The error as text
        :rtype: str
        return self._state

should be return self._error

Off-topic: Did you, by any chance, already create a HASS integration/component? Could you share the code? Thanks!


Thanks a lot for raising this issue! I fixed it with version 0.1.2 which is already uploaded.

I have indeed a HASS integration. Nothing cleaned up but it works for my mower since half a year. I will upload it later today with a minimal documentation and update this issue with a note.


I've uploaded the HASS integration to .

Perfect, thank you so much!