away3d / away3d-core-openfl

Away3D engine for OpenFL

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I try using this port with the away3d examples ( in haxe), but always get a blank screen.

VishwasGagrani opened this issue · comments

I always get a blank screen, while trying to run the haxe based away3d examples. Tried targetting flash, html5 and windows. But keep getting a blank screen. What can be the issue ? Do i need to install something extra.

I am having haxetoolkit 3.1.3 , and ran many haxe examples, successfully on flash develop. But the away3d examples show only blank screen.

What are the versions of your other libraries (Lime and OpenFL)?

I'm running all demos flawlessly in Flash, Windows, Neko and HTML5.

My library versions:

  • Haxe 3.1.3
  • OpenFL 2.2.3
  • Lime 2.0.6
  • Hxcpp 3.1.48

Hmm, i need to update them then.

currently it's the following :
haxe 3.1.3
away3d: 1.0.0-alpha 1.0.1-alpha [1.0.4-alpha]
hxcpp: [3.1.39]
lime: [1.0.0]
openfl: 2.0.0 [2.0.1]

99% sure your problem is with lime.

Just update it and test, the other version differences are not relevant afaik.

Later this evening (in a few hours perhaps) I'll be releasing a new version of Away3D with appropriate updates to the examples which are built to use the latest (or very recent) version of OpenFL & Lime e.g. OpenFL 2.2.4 which includes the migrated Stage3D implementation - so it is removed from this repo into the OpenFL core lib. Expect are release, including haxelib update soon. Might be worth trying again then. I'll post again & close once completed.

ok, I installed lime, but now get this error :

It didnot occur previously. Seems to be a result of lime update.


private static var preloader:; is an error as the ':' should be followed by a type but isn't.

I understand that, but "ApplicationMain.hx" is automatically generated file. I don't see any such file in the project.

Oh.. i figured out, this problem occurs when Application.xml doesnot have 3 levels of package naming
so instead of
meta title="project" package="project" version="1.0.0" company="Vishwas"

It should be
meta title="project" package="com.project.project" version="1.0.0" company="Vishwas"

But anyway, i am still getting a blank screen after the build. Updating the libraries too didnot seem to solve the problem.

Are other samples from other libraries working alright (e.g. OpenFL) ?

This may be a faulty installation of Haxe / OpenFL / Lime - i already installed this version of Away3d in several machines and none of them gave me this error.

Did you try to run any sample from Away3d directly from the command line (switch to sample root folder and run lime test <target> ?

As I mentioned - new versions will be uploaded shortly so might be better to wait until after that. A lot of changes happened to openfl and subsequent changes to away3d have only so far been in the git repo rather than the releases.

@Tiago-Ling : Ya, i have tested applications for flash-player and android with OpenFl, and they work all fine. All of them are installed as usual on C:/HaxeToolkit so not sure about faulty installation. Actually, never used lime with commandline.. so, will need to check that out.

@Greg209 : Yes, that would be better actually. I hope it will work then.


Latest versions of the examples and Away3D are now available via haxelib.