awalterschulze / gographviz

Parses the Graphviz DOT language in golang

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Extend does not escape attributes

rupanshusoi opened this issue · comments

I am using the following to update node labels in an Escape


but the new label is not automatically escaped. Maybe there is a better way to update node attributes that I'm missing.

On the other hand, if this is a bug, I'd happy to try to fix it. At a first glance at the implementation, it does not look like the escaping logic is executed for any Attrs method.


We have a special Escape graph that escapes things
But we do not escape by default

Maybe there is space to "extend" the Escape graph somehow with Extend or create an EscapeAttrs type, but I don't know what would be the best solution.

Yes, I did indeed use an Escape graph (and saw the same problem).

I noticed that changing this line to

attrs.add(key, esc(value))

fixes the problem. However, we would only want to call esc if the underlying graph was an Escape, and I don't see a way in the current API to check that.

Yes and adding this would break use cases for users who do not want escaping.