awaelchli / mosaic-webapp

Mosaic WebApp created during the study week "Fascinating Informatics" by Elina Teplygina, Marlon Anderes and Simon Schedes

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Image Mosaic - WebApp

This is the a Mosaicking WebApp created during the study week Fascinating Informatics from 9.-13. Sept. 2019 at the University of Bern.


You require Python version 3.6 or higher. Create a virtual environment (e.g. in your home folder) and activate it:

virtualenv ~/venvs/mosaic
source ~/venvs/mosaic/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running The Django WebApp

Initial setup

source ~/venvs/mosaic/bin/activate
python migrate

Running the server

source ~/venvs/mosaic/bin/activate
python runserver


This WebApp is the result of the study week "Fascinating Informatics", organized by the Swiss Youth in Science foundation. Students who participated in this project:

  • Elina Teplygina
  • Marlon Anderes
  • Simon Schedes

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Paolo Favaro

Tutor: Adrian Wälchli

Funded by the Hasler Stiftung


Mosaic WebApp created during the study week "Fascinating Informatics" by Elina Teplygina, Marlon Anderes and Simon Schedes


Language:JavaScript 89.2%Language:Python 8.7%Language:HTML 1.8%Language:CSS 0.3%