avstudnitz / AvS_ScopeHint2

Magento 2 module for displaying additional information in configuration

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Update packagist

woutk88 opened this issue · comments

Dear developer,

Can you please make sure packagist is also getting updated with the latest versions? I now need to add this repository to my composer.json in order to install the Magento 2.3 compatible version.

could you please just remove this line here: https://github.com/avstudnitz/AvS_ScopeHint2/blob/master/composer.json#L8
If you use git tags for releases, this string will override your tag. And in the current case you missed to raise the version for the new release.

A temporary fix would be to use composer require avstudnitz/scopehint2:dev-master to install it since it requires magento/framework: ~100.0|~101.0|~102.0 which is fine.

It's merged, and a new release has been created and promoted to packagist. Thanks for your patience.

Great thanks.