avstudnitz / AvS_ScopeHint2

Magento 2 module for displaying additional information in configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add support to the product overview

evs-xsarus opened this issue · comments

As posted on Magento Slack:

Just found out that in the admin products overview when set to 'All Store Views', you can't see if a value is overruled for a specific store view. This makes it hard to find out why, for instance, the status stays 'enabled' when I'm disabling the product using the mass action.

Is there a method to mark a value should it be overruled. Or might it be possible to show overruled values in the 'All Store Views'. Example:

And was pointed to this plugin in which support is already being added for the product detail edit, #4 .

Could the support be extended to the product overview?