avoidik / isoparser

ISO-3166-2 parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is it

This is my first program written with MonoDevelop under Linux for crowdin translation project. It can translate ISO-3166-2 regions and countries presented in en_US to ru_RU (or you language) with a help of Wikipedia.

What it do

  • parses yaml unloaded from crowdin
  • builds a tree of regions and countries to translate from yaml
  • grabs translation from wikipedia and fill tree with translations
  • output translated tree to a file ready for import to crowdin

It will do additional checks for:

  • orphaned items in a tree while operations (untranslated will be logged)
  • parsed web page and http status codes

Input yml data

country.RU: Russia region.RU-AMU: Amurskaya oblast'

Output yml data

country.RU: Россия region.RU-AMU: Амурская область

How to adapt to my language

Just change links to wikipedia and recompile.


ISO-3166-2 parser


Language:C# 100.0%