avitorio / outstatic

Outstatic - A static CMS for Next.js

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Application error when i try to add new collection

wick-ent opened this issue · comments


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What browser are you using? (if relevant)

google chrome

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Describe the Bug

with localhost everything works fine but when i tried with vercel live url it's give application error, and in console display the error "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'refs')".

Expected Behavior

successfully i want to add new collection

Link to reproduction - Issues with a link to complete (but minimal) reproduction code will be addressed faster


To Reproduce


Are you able to perform other actions on /outstatic on vercel? Like editing a post, etc...?


Hey, Andre
No, i can saw only my blog list and when i tried to add blog, edit blog or create a new collection then it's give this error
and it's only happned with the live vercel url, on localhost it's working good

when i open console and check the error, it's display type error: undefined refs

Hey @miteshkavar1996, can you create a demo public repository with your setup for me to take a look? Would you be able to share your vercel environment variables (excluding the GITHUB Auth ones)?
There's probably an error with one of the environment variables...


Just generated and published blog https://github.com/slavb18/iblog
on https://iblog-omega.vercel.app/

logged in, and cannot add page/project/etc:

framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'refs')
at ref (906-0f22efec3fa3b7b5.js:179:217244)
at c (906-0f22efec3fa3b7b5.js:179:234073)
at 906-0f22efec3fa3b7b5.js:179:234227
at uU (framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9:84246)
at uY (framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9:91416)
at e (framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9:111124)
at framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9:111135
at oI (framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9:111647)
at oS (framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9:95017)
at x (framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:33:1373)
a5 @ framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9
a.componentDidCatch.t.callback @ framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9
lH @ framework-73b8966a3c579ab0.js:9


This is most likely a misconfiguration of environment variables. I've asked for examples of the env vars in use (exclusing github auth) but never got it.


@SESIRE-Marketing Please, reach out to hello@outstatic.com for support.