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Outstatic - A static CMS for Next.js

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Examples/blog while using Tailwind it does not react to system theme changes (light/dark)

juicecultus opened this issue · comments

Provide environment information

No matter what setting I include into Tailwind, I cannot get the UI to switch to dark mode. I'm on the latest version - "outstatic": "^0.0.33-rc"

What browser are you using? (if relevant)

Used with Chrome and Safari on MacOS and iOS,

How are you deploying your application? (if relevant)


Describe the Bug

Despite writing all the "dark:" classes into the UI, and being on dark mode system wide, the example blog does not switch. Is there a setting anywhere in the code preventing dark mode from kicking in? I've checked the configs for Tailwind and the CSS files but couldn't see any issue there.

Expected Behavior

When a dark: class is inserted into a component, the default behaviour in Tailwind is that it will be applied if "prefers-dark-mode" is enabled. This does not happen with the Outstatic example/blog

Link to reproduction - Issues with a link to complete (but minimal) reproduction code will be addressed faster


To Reproduce

Insert dark: class into UI components, enable dark mode system wide in MacOS and expect the example/blog to apply dark settings

Hi @juicecultus, thanks for flagging this. I'll look into it.

@avitorio - please don't waste your time, I've double checked earlier and it was simply a conflict with my DaisyUI plugin.
The example works as expected, no bugs :).

Cool. Thanks for letting me know @juicecultus. I hope you have a good experience with Outstatic!

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