avitorio / outstatic

Outstatic - A static CMS for Next.js

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trailingSlash option

rosalynpoort opened this issue · comments

Provide environment information

"next": "^14.1.4",
"outstatic": "^1.4.4",
"react": "^18.2.0",

What browser are you using? (if relevant)

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Describe the Bug

Is it possible to add support for the 'trailingSlash' option in nextjs config? I have an existing site that uses trailingSlash and would like to add Outstatic to it. When I tried, the outstatic add/edit pages don't populate content or save, and the edit pages redirect to add new.

Expected Behavior

The url becomes "outstatic/posts//posts/new" instead of "outstatic/posts/new/" or "outstatic/posts/[slug]/" (I really only need trailingSlash on the frontend, as long as it works to edit content in the outstatic dashboard)

Link to reproduction - Issues with a link to complete (but minimal) reproduction code will be addressed faster


To Reproduce

Same as example but with next.config.js

const nextConfig = {   
    trailingSlash: true, 

Hey @rosalynpoort,
Thanks for reaching out. I'll take a look at this as soon as I have some time.
But until then... would you want to give this a shot?

  • fork the outstatic repo
  • run pnpm install
  • run pnpm dev at the root level
  • set the /apps/dev env vars to yours

I think we'd need to add a new env var like the OST_BASE_PATH one.
Something like OST_TRAILING_SLASH.
Then we'd pass that env var along and you could probably just make some changes to the packages/outstatic/src/client/pages/list.tsx file.

When/if you get it working, create a PR and I'll review it. Cheers!