avitorio / outstatic

Outstatic - A static CMS for Next.js

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Bug: Cover Image

lexstefan opened this issue · comments

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Package Versions:

"next": "14.1.0",
"outstatic": "^1.3.0",

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Describe the Bug

Proceeded to follow "Add To Next.js" instructions from documentation. Everything ran perfectly until i added coverImage for products collections. Inconsistent behavior with coverImage

Expected Behavior

Whenever i edit a collection item [product / post] i expect the previously uploaded coverImage to show up. Feedback if there is an error uploading the image.

Link to reproduction - Issues with a link to complete (but minimal) reproduction code will be addressed faster


To Reproduce

  1. add a product or post, add title, add description, add coverImage
  2. set to published & save
  3. git pull --rebae [to get content from github on localhost]
  4. navigate around inside outstatic, here and there
  5. go back to same product to add additional details in the editor [at this point the previously uploaded image is no longer present / shows up in editor]
  6. save the document
  7. git pull --rebase again, and we can clearly see that the coverImage from the markdown file was deleted cleared
  8. at this point i tried uploading the exact same image and i got no feedback, but the image was not uploading [maybe github threw an error because it's the same image]

P.s.: I switched the coverPhoto to link, then back to upload just so i can use that field again. I think it got cleared or something.

I got that error when uploading a file recently but couldn't replicate it.

What filetype were you trying to upload? Jpeg?

Hello, was png and webp / just checked / didn't realize formats up until now.

Hi @avitorio . Great project! The only git based CMS I managed to get working with no issues first time.

I have something simular. Fresh install on Vercel.

I click to edit a post and ONLY add an "!" on the title. This results in this diff: philals/outstatic-blog@e3e1895#diff-91152342c460b4e6bd7368b5061c6cf71990798542f61996812fcb91bf91d965L2

I don't click any of the side menu.

Hope this helps

@philals Oh wow, thanks for flagging this! I'll look into it asap!

Thank you @lexstefan and @philals - this has been fixed and will be available in the next minor release