avitorio / outstatic

Outstatic - A static CMS for Next.js

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Custom fields as columns in collection table

avitorio opened this issue · comments

I would like it if custom fields showed up in a collection's table.

Something like when creating a custom field, adding a boolean for "display in table"

If that boolean is checked, then when looking at a collection table, that field becomes a column.

I am happy to take a stab at this and create a PR if there is interest in this.

Originally posted by @city41 in #152

Hey Andre! This is a good feature to have, especially in making Outstatic a little more customizable. I personally can make use of this feature (for seeing a post's tags for example). I would like to give this a try.

Hey @ZiyadBoshima,
Thanks for stepping up! Go ahead, give it a try. I'm here to help along the way.

@ZiyadBoshima @city41 This has been added to Outstatic and will be released in the next minor version. Thank you!!