avioli / jquery-lightbox

A jQuery plugin, inspired and based on Lightbox 2 by Lokesh Dhakar

Home Page:https://avioli.github.io/jquery-lightbox/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wanting to help

clarkwinkelmann opened this issue · comments

I came to this repo after a strange journey. I wanted to implement a "shrinkToFit" feature in the Gallery add-on of the Concrete5 CMS. That add-on uses a plugin named "jquery-lightbox"

In the header of that lightbox plugin, theres a url pointing to http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/. However, it seems this website no longer exists, but Google gave me this repository instead.

I've found that there's a shrinkToFit feature in this repository, but that there's a bug with page height.

I wanted to fork this repository to correct the bug but I'm not sure where I should push the changes, as this repository seems to be a fork of the original.

So, my problem is: Is this the "original" repository, or where does this stuff come from ? What appended to the original project ? Did it die ?

In which case I'd use this repository instead of the old one for the add-on I try to fix.

The original is the one that no longer exists. I'm not the author, but simply copied the source code while the original still existed (yet unmaintained and irresponsive to emails). Then I put it on GitHub attributing the original author as best as I could. The original never existed on GitHub, nor was revision controlled in any way I could see.

You can fork from this repo and make a Pull Request anytime. If it's fixing and not breaking anything I'll gladly merge it.

No one stops anyone from forking any repo, while it is publicly available.

Thanks. It's clear now =)

I'll look if I can link the add-on to this project instead of the original.