avinashok / dev-cookbook

Some commands & shortcuts I use in daily life. Also contains some interesting prompts as well for Generative AI tools.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Developer Cheat Sheet

Some commands & shortcuts I use in daily life. Also contains some interesting prompts as well for Generative AI tools.


Git Commands

First Time Cloning an Azure/Git repository:

  • For Windows: Install Git Credentials Manager
  • For Mac:
    • brew tap microsoft/git
    • brew install --cask git-credential-manager-core and Log-in from browser

Git Commands for version control

  • git clone https://github.com/<repo-name>.git - To clone a repository
  • git checkout origin/master - To set branch to master/main
  • git status - To check the git status of the directory
  • git pull origin develop - To pull all contents from develop branch
  • git log - To get a history of the latest changes made in the repository
  • git checkout -b <new branch name> - To create a new branch before starting to make changes. Branch names can begin with feature/12345_new_model/patch/12345_add_item/bugfix/12345_fix_issue -- make code changes--
  • git status
  • git add <filenames> - Add modified files from the output of the previous git status command
  • git commit -m "comments" - A meaningful message for the commit
  • git push origin -u <new branch name>:<remote branch name> - Just git push origin is enough if you're pushing directly to master.
  • git push origin HEAD:<branch name> - To directly push the changes to a branch.

Other git commands:

  • git fetch - If some new branches are missing in local
  • git diff
  • git stash - To delete all existing changes & start fresh
  • git reset --merge
  • git checkout -f origin/master
  • git pull origin bug/12345-existing_error
  • git config --global http.sslVerify true - Step 1: in case of SSL certificate error
  • git config --global http.sslbackend schannel - Step 2: in case of SSL certificate error

Conda virtual environments

To create a new virtual environment with conda

  • conda create -y -n "<env name>" python=3.9 pip=21.1 - To create virtual environment using Python 3.9 & a compatible pip version
  • conda activate <env name> - To activate the virtual environment
  • conda env list - To list all available environments
  • conda env create -f conda.yml
  • conda deactivate - To deactivate a conda environment

To update an existing conda environment:

  • conda env update --file "./Dependencies/conda.yml" --prune

If the organization is not allowed to create a conda env:

  • conda config --set ssl_verify no
  • python -m pip install PACKAGENAME --trusted-host=pypi.python.org --trusted-host=pypi.org --trusted-host=files.pythonhosted.org - This bypasses Firewall
  • pip freeze | grep PACKAGENAME - To get the version of a specific package
  • pip freeze > requirements.txt - To save all the package requirements in a virtual environment
  • pip show PACKAGENAME - To get more details of a specific package


  • python -m pytest --rootdir=./Tests --junitxml=./Tests/junit/unit-test.xml -vv -rP - To test all tests from the folder
  • pytest -v tests/my-directory/test_demo.py::test_specific_function - To test a specific function

Command to get all python packages used in a project:

  • pip install pipreqs
  • pipreqs "<location where you want requirements to be saved>"

To install from within a repository (if it has setup.py)

  • pip install - e . (This installs the repo in 'editable' mode.

PEP8 Checking in code

Checking intendation of python script

First install Flake8 package (pip install Flake8)

  • flake8 <code path> --max-line-length=120 or
  • python -m flake8 <code path> --max-line-length=120

Docker Commands

Docker Commands for running a docker file

First open 'Docker CLI' for SSO authentication

  • docker login <host-name> -u <user name> -p <password> - Enable logging in with SSO if connected to VPN/Remote Connect.
  • docker pull <image-name> - A working sample command to pull a repository.
  • docker images - List the available docker images.
  • docker build . -f dockerfile -t <image name> - Build a docker image using the available dockerfile in the repository
  • docker build -t <image-name> -f dockerfile . - This can also be used. Check & understand the difference before using it.
  • docker build -t <another-image-name> -f dockerfile .
  • docker tag <tag name> <ACR hostname/folder:latest - To tag the image manually
  • docker push <host name/folder:latest> - To push to container registries/remote locations.
  • docker run -it -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 --publish 8080:8080 <image name> - Run & publish the docker image
  • docker run -p 5000:5000 -v //home//project-location//://home//project-location// -d <image-name>
  • docker run -p 4200:4200 -d <image-name>
  • docker-compose -f db-docker-compose.yaml up - If it's only to run a MSSQL database locally
  • `
  • systemctl show --property ActiveState docker|cut -d"=" -f2 - To list active docker images

Azure Commands

Commands used to connect to Microsoft Azure Portal

Full list For command-line:

  • az login - Login with web
  • az login -u myemail@address.com - Login in CLI
  • az account list - List accounts
  • az account list-locations - List all locations
  • az account get-access-token --output json --resource https://vault.azure.net
  • az resource list - List all my resource groups
  • azure --version - Get what version of the CLI you have
  • az vm list - List your VMs
  • azure help - Get help
  • az account show -o jsonc - Check if logged in or not
  • az account set --subscription <subscription-id> - To set the currently active subscription for your Azure account
  • az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <name-of-AKS-cluster> --admin - To configure kubectl with the credentials and context required to connect to an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

Kubernetes Commands

Commands for interacting with Kubernetes clusters

Full list

  • kubectl get pods -n <name of the cluster> - Used to retrieve information about resources in the cluster.
  • kubectl get pods -A -o wide > file-name.txt - Used to get complete information about available pods and the tasks undertaken by them (stores it in a text file).
  • kubectl get nodes - Used to get all available nodes.
  • kubectl describe pod -n <name of the cluster> <name of the pod> - Gives detailed information from the yaml file used to configure the pod.
  • kubectl get hpa <name assigned to the HPA> --watch - Gives real-time load info and pod count by HorizontalPodAutoscaler. 1 2
  • kubectl logs <name of the pod> -n <name of the cluster> - To get the logs of a pod
  • kubectl top pod <name of the pod> -n <name of the cluster> - To retrieve usage statistics of a pod
  • kubectl apply -f manifest-file-name.yaml - Apply changes made in the yaml file and recreate the pods based on it.
  • kubectl port-forward <resource-you-want-to-forward-a-port-to> 4200:4200 -n <name-space> - For port-forwarding.
  • kubectl get secret - List the secrets available
  • kubectl describe secret - To get all details of the namespace including the token.
  • kubectl config get-contexts - Used to display information about the available contexts in your Kubernetes configuration
  • kubectl get hpa -n <name-space> - Used to retrieve information about Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPA) in a namespace
  • kubectl -n <name-space> patch hpa <name-of-the-hpa> --patch '{"spec":{"maxReplicas":2}}' - To configure maximum replicas of a HPA.
  • kubectl patch secret <secret-name> -n <name-space> -p '<value>' - To update regcred secrets inside a cluster.

Linux Commands

Commands used in Linux OS

  • sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
  • kill -9 <container id>

Curl Commands:

  • curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET<page-url>/

For Azure Portal: Steps:

  1. Enable SSH
  2. Install NVIDIA Drivers
  • ssh -L 1234:localhost:8888 avinash@<IP-Address> - Port forwarding

Enabling SSH:

  • ls .ssh
  • ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa avinash@<IP-Address>
  • ssh avinash@

Inside VM:

  • tmux kill-session -t 1
  • tmux a -t 1
  • tmux ls
  • tmux
  • sudo shutdown
  • df -h
  • htop
  • ps
  • ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey user@host Also refer Tmux cheat-sheet & SSH Basics

Prefect Commands

Prefect is an orchestration tool

Prefect Documentation

  • prefect version
  • prefect server start
  • prefect deployment build prefect_tryouts.py:hello_world -n demo-deployment
  • prefect deployment apply hello_world-deployment.yaml
  • prefect agent start -q <work_queue_name>
  • prefect cloud login

Other Tips

Some ways to reduce efforts while developing code

To reduce the size of PDFs in PDF X-Change Editor:

Organize -> Resize -> Percentage -> [Reduce to a size which fit the requirement]. (Keep 'Context Scale Options' all check)

To beautify JSONs: Ctrl + Alt + L (Option + cmd + L on Mac)

To select a URL fully: Ctrl + W

Extend Selection:

  • In Mac: Option + Up or Option + Down

  • In Windows: Ctrl + W

Get IP address of the Mac:

  • curl ifconfig.me

To convert a string to base64 in Mac:

  • `echo 'string' | base64 # To encode
  • 'c3RyaW5nCg==' | base64 -D # To decode

These commands are written in such a way that helps me understand them. I might add more, or delete some, based on whatever is relevant to me.

Note: I'll keep on updating these commands as I use them.


Some commands & shortcuts I use in daily life. Also contains some interesting prompts as well for Generative AI tools.