aviatesk / JET.jl

An experimental code analyzer for Julia. No need for additional type annotations.

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JET.jl false positive "possible error" reported on Union{Bool, Nohing}

algunion opened this issue · comments

I think that JET is not working properly for the following scenario:

@kwdef struct MyStruct
    boolornothing::Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing

   if isnothing(mys.boolornothing) || !mys.boolornothing
       return "nothing"
       return "something"

I think it can be inferred that !mys.boolornothing check will not happen when the boolornothing is set to nothing.

However, when using JET to check my code, it throws no matching method found !(::Nothing) as a possible error. That error is not possible in the context.

I tried to help it by adding mys.boolornoting is a Bool && !mys.boolornothing - but the same result - it is afraid that I am somehow calling !(::Nothing).

The reported issue is encountered when calling JET.test_package function.

Is there a workaround until the inference quality improves? Or can I add something to my code to instruct JET in ignoring certain functions?

Add something(). However, on julia 1.10, afaik something should not be required any more in this case since the field is immutable.

@kwdef struct MyStruct
    boolornothing::Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing

   if isnothing(mys.boolornothing) || !something(mys.boolornothing)
       return "nothing"
       return "something"

Thanks. It works.