aviaryan / AutoHotkey

:symbols: (Discontinued) Sublime Text Autohotkey package.

Home Page:https://github.com/ahkscript/SublimeAutoHotkey

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Case sensitivity breaking theme

opened this issue · comments

When you distribute the sublime package, the package name is AutoHotKey.sublime-package. In your Autohotkey.sublime-settings file, the location for the color_scheme is "Packages/AutoHotkey/Avis Autohotkey - Dark.tmTheme". This is a problem for users on case sensitive operating systems because the package name that you are referencing in the color_scheme has a lower-case 'k' although the actual package has an upper-case 'k'. If you standardize this, it will help those of us that develop on linux machines.

@jpgrusling I have renamed the package to the more appropriate and correct "AutoHotkey" . There still may be some case-sensitivity issues as I am on windows and don't know if the files are properly renamed on the github server.
If you find problems, please report.

Everything should be fixed.