avh4 / elm-upgrade

Upgrade Elm projects

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Package renames for Elm 0.19

avh4 opened this issue · comments

If you know of any packages that will be renamed when publishing for Elm 0.19, comment below.

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.0-rc2

  • NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline -> NoRedInk/json-decode-pipeline
  • evancz/url-parser -> elm-lang/url

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.0-rc6

  • lukewestby/elm-http-builder -> lukewestby/http-builder
  • evancz/elm-markdown -> elm-explorations/markdown
  • elm-tools/parser -> elm-lang/parser

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.0-rc9

  • mgold/elm-random-pcg -> elm-lang/random
  • ohanhi/keyboard-extra -> ohanhi/keyboard
  • ryannhg/elm-date-format -> ryannhg/date-format
  • elm-community/elm-test -> elm-explorations/test
  • evancz/url-parser -> elm/url
  • elm-tools/parser -> elm/parser

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.0

  • thebritican/elm-autocomplete -> ContaSystemer/elm-menu
  • elm-community/linear-algebra -> elm-explorations/linear-algebra
  • elm-community/webgl -> elm-explorations/webgl
  • elm-lang/keyboard -> elm/browser
  • elm-lang/dom -> elm/browser
  • mpizenberg/elm-mouse-events -> mpizenberg/elm-pointer-events
  • mpizenberg/elm-touch-events -> mpizenberg/elm-pointer-events

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.2

  • rtfeldman/hex -> rtfeldman/elm-hex
  • elm-lang/mouse -> elm/browser
  • avh4/elm-transducers -> avh4-experimental/elm-transducers
  • dillonkearns/graphqelm -> dillonkearns/elm-graphql

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.3

  • elm-lang/navigation -> elm/browser
  • BrianHicks/elm-benchmark -> elm-explorations/benchmark

Included in elm-upgrade-0.19.4

  • elm-lang/window -> elm/browser


  • elm-lang/core#Color -> avh4/elm-color
  • 1602/json-value -> json-tools/json-value
  • 1602/json-schema -> json-tools/json-schema
  • 1602/elm-feather -> feathericons/elm-feather
  • mgold/elm-date-format -> ???

These are planned, but aren't published under the new name yet:

  • avh4/elm-meshes -> elm-community/meshes

BrianHicks/elm-benchmark -> elm-explorations/benchmark

elm-community/linear-algebra -> elm-explorations/linear-algebra
elm-community/webgl -> elm-explorations/webgl
evancz/elm-markdown -> elm-explorations/markdown

elm-tools/parser -> elm-lang/parser

Published more in 0.19.0-rc6, and updated the issue description; I'm not going to add ones that don't have the 0.19 package published yet--lmk as there are more updates!

I renamed ohanhi/keyboard-extra to ohanhi/keyboard

ryannhg/elm-date-format -> ryannhg/date-format

Published more in 0.19.0-rc9, and updated the issue description

elm-lang/* -> elm/*

Also, versions changed!

@avh4 i decided not to rename http-builder after all. it's just lukewestby/elm-http-builder 6.0.0 now

@avh4 these have been published:

elm-community/linear-algebra -> elm-explorations/linear-algebra
elm-community/webgl -> elm-explorations/webgl

rtfeldman/hex -> rtfeldman/elm-hex

dillonkearns/graphqelm 11.2.0 -> dillonkearns/elm-graphql 1.1.0

This also means that all instances of Graphqelm. in people's source code should change to Graphql.. I'm not sure if there's find-and-replace magic happening for module names in source code in elm-upgrade, just thought I'd mention it in case there is!

Published elm-upgrade@0.19.2 with the latest renames.

elm-upgrade@0.19.5 and later will now produce a checklist of things the user needs to check after elm-upgrade is done. For example:

- NoRedInk/elm-json-decode-pipeline
  - [ ] Changes uses of Json.Decode.Pipeline.decode to Json.Decode.succeed
- dillonkearns/elm-graphql
  - [ ] Changes references to Graphqelm.* to Graphql.*
- elm/core
  - [ ] Replace uses of toString with String.fromInt, String.fromFloat, or Debug.toString as appropriate
- elm/html
  - [ ] If you used Html.program*, install elm/browser and switch to Browser.element or Browser.document
  - [ ] If you used Html.beginnerProgram, install elm/browser and switch Browser.sandbox
- elm/time
  - [ ] Read the new documentation here: https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/time/latest/
  - [ ] Replace uses of Date and Time with Time.Posix
- elm/url
  - [ ] Change code using UrlParser.* to use Url.Parser.*

If there are checklist items that should be added for any of the renamed packages, please make a new issue for each package, thanks!

(If there are new package renames to add, you can still comment with them in this issue.)

Due to elm compiler bug I had to rename all my packages:

1602/json-value -> json-tools/json-value
1602/json-schema -> json-tools/json-schema
1602/elm-feather -> feathericons/elm-feather