avehtari / BDA_course_Aalto

Bayesian Data Analysis course at Aalto

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missing file general-info.md for assignment 4 quarto template

teddygroves opened this issue · comments

I just tried to render assignment4.qmd but it failed due to a missing file.

Here is what I did:

[Code] git clone git@github.com:avehtari/BDA_course_Aalto.git
Cloning into 'BDA_course_Aalto'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 6270, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (190/190), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (106/106), done.
remote: Total 6270 (delta 86), reused 181 (delta 83), pack-reused 6080
Receiving objects: 100% (6270/6270), 120.16 MiB | 5.63 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4009/4009), done.
[Code] cd BDA_course_Aalto
[BDA_course_Aalto] git checkout gh-pages                                                master
branch 'gh-pages' set up to track 'origin/gh-pages'.
Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
[BDA_course_Aalto] cd assignments                                                     gh-pages
[assignments] ls                                                                      gh-pages
README.md               assignment4.Rnw         assignment8.pdf         simple_template3.qmd
additional_files        assignment4.html        assignment8_rubric.html simple_template4.html
assignment1.Rnw         assignment4.pdf         assignment8_rubric.md   simple_template4.pdf
assignment1.html        assignment4.qmd         assignment9.Rnw         simple_template4.qmd
assignment1.pdf         assignment4_rubric.html assignment9.pdf         site_libs
assignment1.qmd         assignment4_rubric.md   assignment9_rubric.html template1.html
assignment1_rubric.html assignment5.Rnw         assignment9_rubric.md   template1.pdf
assignment1_rubric.md   assignment5.pdf         general_info.tex        template1.qmd
assignment2.Rnw         assignment5_rubric.html index.html              template2.html
assignment2.html        assignment5_rubric.md   index.qmd               template2.pdf
assignment2.pdf         assignment6.Rnw         makefile                template2.qmd
assignment2.qmd         assignment6.pdf         search.json             template3.html
assignment2_rubric.html assignment6_rubric.html simple_template1.html   template3.pdf
assignment2_rubric.md   assignment6_rubric.md   simple_template1.pdf    template3.qmd
assignment3.Rnw         assignment7.Rnw         simple_template1.qmd    template3_files
assignment3.html        assignment7.pdf         simple_template2.html   template4.html
assignment3.pdf         assignment7_fig1.pdf    simple_template2.pdf    template4.pdf
assignment3.qmd         assignment7_rubric.html simple_template2.qmd    template4.qmd
assignment3_rubric.html assignment7_rubric.md   simple_template3.html   tests
assignment3_rubric.md   assignment8.Rnw         simple_template3.pdf
[assignments] quarto render assignment4.qmd                                           gh-pages
ERROR: Include directive failed.
  in file assignment4.qmd,
  could not find file /Users/tedgro/Code/BDA_course_Aalto/assignments/general_info.md.

these files also seem to be missing:

  • assignments.lua
  • overall_quality.md

@teddygroves: Should be fixed now with the latest PR. You will need some specific quarto version though, I think it could work with the current pre-release (1.3.280) at https://quarto.org/docs/download/, and it should certainly work with the docker image.

nice, I can see those files are there now!