av-idk / truerandom.js

A node js module to provide truly random numbers (quantum randomness).

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TrueRandom.js is an utility node js library which provides truly random numbers using quantum randomness.

  • True random numbers generated in a lab by Australian National University dilevered hot and fresh for your projects.
  • Numbers generated using measuring quantum fluctuations in a vaccum tube.
  • This is a non chaotic generator unlike other other generators which depends on atmospheric noises or pseudo randomness.

New Features!

  • Generate 'n' numbers of random numbers, directly from the function
  • zero dependencies


  • Required internet connection (Fallback currently in development).
  • Under heavy development. Not battle tested
  • Many features missing.


TrueRandom.js requires Node.js v4+ to run.

Installing the module .

npm i truerandom.js

An example of how to use TrueRandom.js in your projects.

const tr = require('truerandom.js');

//Generating 2 unint16 numbers
  .then(response => {
  //Do whatever with your generated numbers
console.log(response+' -generated 2 uint16 numbers and then joined together');
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here

  //Generating 'n' digits of random numbers
  .then(response => {
console.log(response+'-generated 20 digit random number');
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here



Currently there are 2 functions available to use:

  • generate
  • digits

#generate(type,number,blocksize) (function)

Used to generate 'n' number of a 'type' of random number. The result is a 'promise'. So u must handle it properly using '.then' and catch errors.

Example code:

  .then(response => {
  //Do whatever with your generated numbers
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here

the generate function takes 3 parameters

  • type : the type of numbers requested
  • number : the number of indivisual numbers requested
  • blocksize :The length of a block. (Only needed for hex16)

type (parameter)

The generate function supports 3 type of numbers

  • uint8 - it returns numbers that range from 0-255
  • uint16 - it returns numbers that range from 0–65535
  • hex16 - it returns hexa decimal numbers that range from 0000–ffff

number (parameter)

Anu (Australian national university) originally sends an array of the 'type' of number you chose(i.e - either uint8,uint16 or hex16). The 'number' parameter is actually the total no. of numbers you want in an array. TrueRandom.js then joins that array and gives you an string of number.

For example- if you use the following code:

  .then(response => {
  //Do whatever with your generated numbers
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here

Then the original responce recieved by TrueRandom.js is


TrueRandom.js then further joins the array and returns a string similar to-


Hence the number parameter is actually the length of the array requested which is directly proportional to the no. of digits of the random number gnerated.

Broadly speaking the bigger no. you use in the number parameter the bigger random number will be generated


The maximum number you can use in the number parameter is 1024. Hence the number parameter must range from 1–1024

Blocksize (parameter)

This parameter is only necessary when requesting hex16 type of numbers. It is the half length of the hex16 number u need in each array. for example -

  .then(response => {
  //Do whatever with your generated numbers
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here

will return

fc3eebbbf3f6abade4b1  // size is 20 which is double the given length


  .then(response => {
  //Do whatever with your generated numbers
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here

whill return

8665c4c7a9db220c483136a701c51a1f797bc5ae69a5de75de // size is 50 which is double the given length

digits (digits) (function) !Under development

Used to generate 'n' digits of random numbers. The result is a ‘promise’. So u must handle it properly using ‘.then’ and catch errors.

Example code:

  .then(response => {
  //Do whatever with your generated numbers gives also the number of digits is 2
  .catch(error => {
    // handle error here


the digits funcion takes only one parameter

  • Digits:Number of digit of random number to be generated


This is the number of digits expected Cnnot excede more than 5124

This project requires contribution, if you are willing to support this project please don't be afraid to leave a message or make a pull request. Quality changes needs to be done in the documentation along with feature addition and testing. I also encourage you to share your projects if you use this module in your projects I would be more than happy to feature them here.


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Make it less buggy
  • Make it reliable
  • Make demo apps
  • Support fallback for offline usage
  • Add more functions
  • make it a goto module for randomness projects

Want to show support I can add your personal or company badge in the docs for free.




A node js module to provide truly random numbers (quantum randomness).


Language:JavaScript 100.0%