autotrace / autotrace

bitmap to vector graphics converter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bug Description: Memory Leak in Autotrace

Cyberopss opened this issue · comments

When running the autotrace program with the given command (./autotrace), a memory leak is detected by various memory sanitizers. The memory leak occurs in the allocation and handling of memory related to libMagickCore, specifically in functions such as GetMagickInfoList, AllocateSemaphoreInfo, and NewLinkedList.

Steps to Reproduce:

Compile and build autotrace.
Run the autotrace program without providing an image file (./autotrace).
Observe the memory leak detected by memory sanitizers.
Expected Behavior:
The autotrace program should not exhibit any memory leaks when run without providing an image file.

Actual Behavior:
Memory leaks are detected by memory sanitizers, indicating potential issues in memory allocation and deallocation within the autotrace program.

Environment Details:

Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Compiler: Afl-gcc-fast
autotrace Version: AutoTrace version 0.40.0.
libMagickCore Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-60 Q16 x86_64
Additional Notes:

The memory leaks were detected using memory sanitizers (such as ASAN) during the execution of autotrace.
The memory leaks occur in functions related to libMagickCore, suggesting potential issues in memory management within the autotrace program.