automerge / pushpin

A collaborative corkboard app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No presence anything.

sewonist opened this issue · comments

Hi all

I'm new user with PushPin. I love this idea and I try to use it. Unfortunately, I have a problem like below image.


I don't know why any objects didn't show. I tested two system one is PC and other one is Mac. Both had a same issue. If you let me know how to report any log. I will find it.


Thanks for the report! It would help to know how you installed the app, first.

I just download PushPin.Setup.2.0.0-beta2.exe install file from

I think maybe two reasons.

  1. firewall setting wrong
  2. locale is wrong

I've checked firewall setting and change as I can as but doesn't work yet.
I just attached my system information.
