auth0 / nextjs-auth0

Next.js SDK for signing in with Auth0

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MissingStateCookieError: Missing state cookie from login request (check login URL, callback URL and cookie config).

adminCitify opened this issue · comments




  • Error started after removing chromes cookies. I removed cookies in the past though without a problem.
  • This is happening on my localhost:3000.
  • I have the following login handler
        login: async (req: any, res: any) => {
            try {

                const result = await auth0.handleLogin(req, res, {
                    authorizationParams: {
                        prompt: 'login',

                console.log("RESULT", result);

                return result
            catch (error) {
                console.error("login error: ", error);
                return res.status(500).send({ error: 'An error occurred during login' });
  • That log in my case doesn't return cookies, but when run by my coworker (same code) it does.
  • My log:
  [Symbol(headers)]: HeadersList(2) [
  • My coworkers log:
  [Symbol(headers)]: _HeadersList {
    cookies: [
      'auth_verification=%7B%22nonce%22%3A%22rynQDUkugV_AaeT0K89ysvZ7XtAqncDWaAGaEl9zejg%22%2C%22state%22%3A%22eyJyZXR1cm5UbyI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzAwMCJ9%22%2C%22code_verifier%22%3A%22wjK5ZGMbwgpSbgU5QydKdK2pqsUV1LiFuToyEcvGZHs%22%7D.fDrqdW1Ryqcz_a1mBPpGmJQg7Osghxa-k7hcf0KhNU0; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=lax'
    [Symbol(headers map)]: Map(2) { 'location' => [Object], 'set-cookie' => [Object] },
    [Symbol(headers map sorted)]: null
  • I tried incognito, updating packages, restarting, different browsers, etc etc, without success.
  • Logs in auth0 shows just succesful login.
  • My login and callback urls are ok.

If needed I can share an .HAR file.

PLEASE help!


To reproduce:

  • I navigate to localhost:3000
  • Try to login with universal login experience.
  • Redirected to my default error screen.

(sory I didn't detail this further I can provide more info if needed)

Additional context

No response

nextjs-auth0 version


Next.js version


Node.js version


Hi @adminCitify

Next.js version
Node.js version

The minimum version of Node for Next 14 is 18.17 (see - can you update your version of Node and try again?

omg.. that was it! I lost a day without realizing that! Thanksssss @adamjmcgrath!

@adamjmcgrath you seem to have seen a few MissingStateCookieError issues in your time, I'm currently experiencing this same error. Its intermittent. ~4 days ago the error surfaced on all of my deployed nextjs-auth0 apps (hosted in vercel) out of the blue (no changes introduced), I've been troubleshoot and trying to identify root cause but not having much luck. Woke up and all my apps are working again. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for things I could try and look into to isolate the issue? It's unclear to me exactly which piece (auth0, nextjs, vercel, nextjs-auth0) is responsible. I'm concerned about the impact that this has on my customers and would like to investigate a bit more before I decide to implement a fallback.

I've written a pretty lengthy forum post here: - perhaps there's something obvious to you that I am missing.