auth0 / express-jwt

connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes

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expressjwt middleware shouldn't throw error if credentialsRequired is falsed

phatify opened this issue · comments



The default behavior shouldn't throw an error if the token is invalid in credentialsRequired: false optional


return [
        secret: secretKey,
        algorithms: ['HS256'],
        requestProperty: 'user_data',
        credentialsRequired: false,
        getToken: authToken,
    (err, req, res, next) => {
        if (err && === 'UnauthorizedError') {    // err wouldn't throw here because it no necessary
            return res.status(401).send('Wrong authentication token!')


Please provide the following:

  • Version of this library used: latest version
  • Version of the platform or framework used, if applicable: ExpressJS latest
  • Other relevant versions (language, server software, OS, browser): Chrome Latest Version
  • Other modules/plugins/libraries that might be involved: undefined

The problem with your code is that credentialsRequired: true goes to the next middleware if there is no token, not if the token verification fails: if there is a token that is invalid, the verification will happen anyways.
I think this behaviour is intended, since in the README the author says:

credentialsRequired?: boolean (optional): If its false, continue to the next middleware if the request does not contain a token instead of failing, defaults to true.

I am not sure if this behaviour should be changed or not.



@micheledallerive Sure, maybe I should do next(new ErrorInstance(401, Wrong authentication token!)) instead of return res.status(401).send('Wrong authentication token!') because the error will be forwarded to the error middleware for final handle.


@micheledallerive Sure, maybe I should do next(new ErrorInstance(401, Wrong authentication token!)) instead of return res.status(401).send('Wrong authentication token!') because the error will be forwarded to the error middleware for final handle.

I still don't get why you are using the middleware if you don't want the authentication to be handled.
Could you provide more details on where you use that middleware?


@micheledallerive In some case, you want to get the payload in the request object with requestPropertyto check logged in status of user (example: verify you are author of the public post regardless of whether you are logged in or not). So in that case, I need to disable credentialsRequired flag but still working with user_data in requestProperty.
the error exception in this middleware is not really necessary.

    (err, req, res, next) => {
        // the err variable should be null or undefined when enabling credentialsRequired flag

I am using middleware to test whether err exist or not in case: credentialsRequired: false

Do you know what I mean?

Do you have another layer of reverse proxy or api gateway doing the actual validarion of the token?
In that case please do not use this middleware, it is not intended for the solely purpose of base64 decoding.. you could build a much simpler one, even use the jwt-decode module