auth0 / express-jwt

connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes

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Made getToken async by providing it callback capability

skyless opened this issue · comments


I hope I'll be doing this right... Unless I'm mistaken, I didn't find any related issues/requests.

Describe the problem you'd like to have solved

While trying to implement a JWS into a JWE, I faced the issue that getToken function have to be async since I first have to asynchronously decrypt the JWT with the help of another library (jose), and only then I can return the contained JWS from whatever attribute.


  getToken: async (req) => {
    const { payload } = await jwtDecrypt(req.cookies['jwt_name'], Buffer.from('secret'));
    return payload.claim;

Describe the ideal solution

From this library

token = await options.getToken(req);

or, I assume, rather provide a callback function by wrapping this call inside async.waterfall.

Alternatives and current work-arounds

Except doing it without express-jwt, I'm not sure any workaround could be possible. But I'm not even sure this could be something already out of scope for this library anyway.

Additional context

None as far as I know.

done in v7