auth0 / express-jwt

connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes

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Not to ask Bearer?

hackuun opened this issue · comments

Hi. How to make express-jwt not to demand 'Bearer' in token? I have clients that doesn't set it, and it is fairly consuming to rewrite it.

I reopen this, since I can't handle this error Format is Authorization: Bearer [token]

How to turn of Bearer???

Ohh, sorry, I fixed it

Hey guys Is there a way to squash this warning?

I want to put express-jwt in front of all my routes because I am using just one /graphql

And originally the client has no token thus not sending it and then after authentication it it sends it every request.

I had assumed credentialsRequired: false would do the trick, but alas

Any way thanks for the cool lib nonetheless

I see that the issue is I can't send

  • Authorization:
  • Authorization: Bearer
  • Authorization: Bearer sOmeCrAp

The header must be missing completely

I was sending Authorization:

Thanks anyway guys