Austinsmom / scoop-supernova

Scoop bucket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The "supernova" is another bucket for Scoop. Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows, like homebrew.

How to start use scoop


  • PowerShell 3
  • PowerShell must be enabled for your user account e.g. set-executionpolicy unrestricted -s cu

On Windows 8 and 10 Power Shell already installed. For run just type in cmd:


To install scoop (run in powershell console):

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

Once installed, run scoop help for instructions.

How to add this bucket

To make it easy to install apps from this bucket, run scoop bucket add scoop-supernova

Check that it works:

scoop bucket list

For update run:

scoop update

For example, search all avialable PHP packages:

scoop search php

For example, install PHP7:

scoop install php7

For example install 32bit version:

scoop install php7 -a 32bit

How to install PHP7

To install:

scoop install php7

Сheck that it works:

php -v

You can find path to php use command:

scoop which php

NOTE: PHP7 (also as and Apache VC14) builded with the latest Windows Visual Studio C++ 2015. Depending on the VC14 specified in a package as "depends": "ms-vc14". When the scoop will do the installation, it will automatically check for dependencies, download and make their installation.

How to install Apache

To install:

scoop install apache-vc14

To find the location use:

scoop which httpd

Now just run for test httpd, and open http://localhost/ in browser.

How to run Apache as Windows service

At first you need install sudo:

scoop install sudo

The run:

sudo httpd -k install
sudo net start Apache2.4

It's done!

PHP7 with Apache

Now you have two ways to connect PHP to the Apache.

Connect PHP to Apache via FCGI (recommended)

At first install fcgi module:

scoop install apache-mod-fcgi

And then add PHP handler fcgi to httpd.conf (run in powershell console):

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')

Now restart Apache:

httpd -k restart


Load PHP as Apache module

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')



Scoop bucket


Language:PowerShell 100.0%