auser / project3

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project3: Pet Adoption Application



  • Home - / - Display latest pets and posts
  • Register - /register - Allow visitor to create account with name, email, password and profile picture. ✅
  • Log In - /log-in - Allows existing user to log-in. ✅
  • Profile Search - /profile/search - Search for users. ✅
  • Profile Edit - /profile/edit - Allows authenticated user to edit their profile. ✅
  • Profile - /profile/:id - Visualize users' profile + Pet Bookmarks ​
  • Pet Detail - /pet/:id/detail - Display details on a single pet + comments/likes. ✅
  • Pet Create - /pet/create - Allow user to add single pet to application. ✅
  • Pet Edit - /pet/:id/edit - Allow user to update single pet. ✅
  • Pet Delete - /pet/:id/delete - Allow user to delete single pet. ✅
  • Pet Search - /pet/search - Search for pets. ✅
  • Pet Bookmark - /pet/bookmark - ​
  • Single Post - /post/:id - Displays single post.
  • Post Create - /post/create - Allow user to add single post.
  • Post Edit - /post/:id/edit - Allow user to update single post. ​
  • Adoption Center - /center/:id - Displays adoption center information, incl. listed pets and posts ​
  • Message Thread List - /message/list - Displays message thread list
  • Message Thread Detail - /message/:id - Displays message thread
  • Message Thread Create - /message/create - Displays message creation form ​


  • listPets - issue GET to '/pet/list' list pets ✅ ({pets[], centers[], ? profiles[]})?
  • loadPet - issue a GET to '/pet/:id' Load details on a single pet. ✅
  • editPet - issues PATCH to '/pet/:id' - Edit single pet. ✅
  • deletePet - issues DELETE to '/pet:/id' Delete single pet. ✅
  • createPet - issues POST to '/pet' Creates single pet. ✅
  • petSearch - issues GET to '/pet/search' - Allows user to search for pets ✅ (type, area(google api), sub-filters maybe related to the pet/type). ​ ​
  • loadPost - issue a GET to '/post/:id' Load details on a single post.
  • editPost - issues PATCH to '/post/:id' - Edit single post.
  • deletePost - issues DELETE to '/post:/id' Delete single post.
  • createPost - issues POST to '/post/' Creates single post. ​
  • registerUser - issues POST to '/authentication/sign-up' - Registers new user.
  • logInUser - issues POST to '/authentication/sign-in' - Authenticates existing user.
  • signOutUser - issues POST to '/authentication/sign-out' - Signs out user.
  • loadUserInformation - issues GET to '/authentication/me' - Loads information about authenticated user. ​
  • searchProfile - issues GET to '/profile/search' - Allows user to search for other user profiles.
  • loadProfile - issues GET to '/profile/:id' - Loads single users profile.
  • editProfile - issues PATCH to '/profile' - Edit authenticated users profile.
  • deleteProfile - issues DELETE to '/profile/:id' - Delete authenticated users profile. ​
  • bookmarkList - issues GET to '/pet/bookmarked' - List all pets an authenticated user has bookmarked.
  • bookmarkAdd - issues POST to '/pet/:id/bookmark' - Set bookmark for this pet on this users profile.
  • bookmarkRemove - issues DELETE to '/pet/:id/bookmark' - Unset bookmark for this pet on this users profile.
  • messageThreadList - issues GET to '/message/list' - List all message threads of an authenticated user.
  • messageThreadLoad - issues GET to '/message/:id' - List all messages between authenticated user and user of id param.
  • messageSend - issues POST to '/message/:id' - Send message between authenticated user and user of id param. ​



User (Ilan)

  • name: String, required, trim
  • email: String, required, trim, lowercase
  • passwordHashAndSalt: String, required
  • picture: String
  • description: String, max: 500
  • Bookmark
  • type: String, enum ['private', 'center'] ​

Pet (Julia)

  • name: String, required​
  • animal: String, [ 'dog', 'cat', 'rabbit', 'bird'], required
  • breed: String, trim, default
  • age: Number, min: 0
  • location: { type: String, default: 'Point', coordinates: [ Number ] }
  • listed: Boolean, required
  • adopted: Boolean, required (adopted, upForAdoption)
  • owner: ObjectId, ref: 'User', required
  • description: String, maxLength: 5000, trim
  • picture: String
  • timestamp ​

Post (Nina)​

  • title: String, required
  • description: String, maxLength: 5000, trim
  • type: String, [ 'petForAdoption', 'lookingForPet' ], required
  • owner: ObjectId, ref: 'User', required ​


  • content: String, required, minlength: 1, maxlength: 5000, trim
  • sender: ObjectId, ref: 'User', required
  • receiver: ObjectId, ref: 'User', required
  • createdAt: Date

Request Handlers

  • GET - '/pet/list' - list pets.
  • GET - '/pet/:id' - Load details on a single pet.
  • PATCH - '/pet/:id' - Edit single pet.
  • DELETE - '/pet:/id' Delete single pet.
  • POST - '/pet/create' Creates single pet.
  • GET - '/pet/search' - Allows user to search for pets. ​
  • GET - '/post/:id' - Load details on a single post.
  • PATCH - '/post/:id' - Edit single post.
  • DELETE - '/post:/id' - Delete single post.
  • POST - '/post/' - Creates single post. ​
  • POST - '/authentication/sign-up' - Registers new user.
  • POST - '/authentication/sign-in' - Authenticates existing user.
  • POST - '/authentication/sign-out' - Signs out user.
  • GET - '/authentication/me' - Loads information about authenticated user. ​
  • GET - '/profile/search' - Allows user to search for other user profiles.
  • GET - '/profile/:id' - Loads single users profile.
  • PATCH - '/profile' - Edit authenticated users profile.
  • DELETE - '/profile/:id' - Delete authenticated users profile. ​
  • GET - '/pet/bookmarked' - List all pets an authenticated user has bookmarked.
  • POST - '/pet/:id/bookmark' - Set bookmark for this pet on this users profile.
  • DELETE - '/pet/:id/bookmark' - Unset bookmark for this pet on this users profile. ​
  • GET - '/message/list' - List all message threads of an authenticated user.
  • GET - '/message/:id' - List all messages between authenticated user and user of id param.
  • messageSend - issues POST to '/message/:id' - Send message between authenticated user and user of id param. ​




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