aurora / rmate

Remote TextMate 2 implemented as shell script

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Can we create Debian/FreeBSD packages?

attilagyorffy opened this issue · comments

Would be great if we could create a Debian package of this script and distribute it on Debian and Ubuntu via apt-get. I would also love to be able to create a FreeBSD port of it too.

All of these above for easier maintainability on remote servers. Are you planning on introducing versioning for this project? Would be great if there was something we could tie the package versions to.



i am absolutely open for this, however i am unsure if it's stable enough to be a part of any distribution -- or do you mean to just provide packages somewhere? on the other hand: is this even necessary given that it is basically a single shell script?

Bash on Debian does not support /dev/tcp.

Yes it does, I use rmate on debian. Maybe you're thinking of the default /bin/sh on debian, which is dash?

Let me clarify, it only works with bash 4.0-5 and up - which means from squeeze and up.

All Debian bash version from 4.0-4 and below was compiled with --disable-net-redirections.

From the bash man page on Debian:

NOTE: Bash, as packaged for Debian, does not support using the /dev/tcp and /dev/udp files.

So if you work on any old servers, then it lacks /dev/tcp support.

Sure, but squeeze was released nearly three years ago and is not even the current stable version any more, so while it's true that there still exist machines out there that have versions of bash where this is disabled, it's not really accurate or relevant to say that bash on debian doesn't support it; it has done for years and multiple releases.

I totally agree, I was just bitten by this recently - and a quick google only led to a bunch of people complaining about Debian bash not supporting net redirections.

What about an Ubuntu package? If I get the green light, I'll put an rmate package up on Launchpad.

I would be more than happy to have this included in some distribution, my only concern is if it's stable enough. So feel free to create a package for it, thanks very much in advance! :-)

Anyway, I used this

curl -o /usr/local/bin/rmate
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rmate

yep, that's what i do, too to deploy the script on my remote machines. anyway ... with the latest push (support for long options) i thought it would be time to introduce a version tag ... so: rmate-sh is currently at v0.9.0 😆