aurelia / i18n

A plugin that provides i18n support.

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i18next overriding Aurelia binding

Rutulpatel7077 opened this issue · comments

<p i18n="base-msrp" > <span>${ basePrice }</span> </p>

It is only giving i18next part but not basePrice binding of aurelia.

By design
basically i18n used like that will set the text contents of <P>

@Alexander-Taran So is there any solution of it ? to use span in

with i18n ?

You might want to read the docs.. there are a lot of solutions..

As Alex mentioned the docs can tell you about different ways to do it. Either by passing vars to the attribute approach or using the tbindingbehavior.

<p i18n="[prepend]base-msrp" > <span>${ basePrice }</span> </p> . This Works! Thanks guys!

<span> is not needed btw
@Rutulpatel7077 I noticed that you are new to Aurelia
you might want to join the forums
and gitter room

@Alexander-Taran Sure! I will join. btw Thanks for your wonderful help. all of you!


How! can you please explain a little bit more sir

I didn't understand the question. sorry