aurelia / i18n

A plugin that provides i18n support.

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Cannot read property 'loadText' of null

enrico-padovani opened this issue · comments

I'm submitting a bug report

  • Library Version:

Please tell us about your environment:

  • Operating System:
    Windows 10

  • Node Version:

  • NPM Version:

  • JSPM OR Webpack AND Version
    webpack 3.3.0

  • Browser:

  • Language:
    TypeScript 2.5.3

Current behavior:
Cannot load json translation file. The error accours into aurelia-i18n-loader.js

TypeError: Cannot read property 'loadText' of null
    at Backend.loadUrl (webpack-internal:///247:55:29)
    at (webpack-internal:///247:49:10)
    at (webpack-internal:///242:173:32)
    at Connector.loadOne (webpack-internal:///242:283:10)
    at eval (webpack-internal:///242:229:16)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Connector.load (webpack-internal:///242:228:21)
    at eval (webpack-internal:///236:244:42)
    at Connector.load (webpack-internal:///243:53:41)
    at I18n.loadResources (webpack-internal:///236:243:36)
    at setLng (webpack-internal:///236:309:14)
    at I18n.changeLanguage (webpack-internal:///236:319:7)
    at load (webpack-internal:///236:188:14)

Here's thw plugin config:

.plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('aurelia-i18n'), (instance: I18N) => {
            return instance.setup({
                backend: {
                    loadPath: '{{lng}}/{{ns}}',
                    parse: (data: any) => data,
                    ajax: (url: string, options: any, callback: any, data: any) => {
                        switch (url) {
                            case 'en/translation':
                                callback(enTranslationDefault, { status: '200' });
                                callback(null, { status: '404' });
                lng: selectedLanguage,
                attributes: ['t', 'i18n'],
                fallbackLng: 'en',
                debug: environment.debug,
                ns: ['translation'],
                defaultNS: 'translation',
            }).then(() => {
                const router = aurelia.container.get(AppRouter);
                router.transformTitle = (title: string) =>;

Expected/desired behavior:
The same piece of code is running with library version 1.6.2

You cannot use the internal Backend of your translation files are not prebundled and configured. Please try switching to the i18next-xhr-loader backend

Is that something changed in version 2.0.0? Do you have an example / doc in how to do that?

I didn't mention that the translation should be in the bundle, because I'm importing itimport enTranslationDefault from './locales/en/translation.json'; and use enTranslationDefault variable in the ajax setting.

The error was given by missing instance.i18next.use(Backend.with(aurelia.loader)); anyway if I do that, the string is not translated (the result is the key itself in code or empty in html). If I use instance.i18next.use(Backend); with Backend imported from i18next-xhr-backend, the translation seems to work in code not into html, ex: ${'my_string' & t} is empty.

Can you create a sample so that I can take a look at it?

I don't know how to set up the environment quickly.

Anyway if I do <span t="my_string"></span> it works, but with string intertpolation does not <span>${'my_string' & t}</span>


Ok, I figured out ... long time ago in .net we had dll hell ... here we have npm hell. I was using a library which was depending upon 1.6.2 I've updated that lib do use 2.0.0 and now it works as expected.