aurajs / aura

A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUSINESS CRITICAL] - github pages site is inaccessible

n-at-han-k opened this issue · comments

When visiting either or I hit the following error page:

Site Disabled
Oh no! It looks like this Pages site has been disabled due to a misconfigured custom domain.

Are you the site owner? You can quickly fix this issue by updating the DNS record for your Pages site:

If you're using a subdomain (,, etc.), make sure you have a CNAME record that points to
If you're not using a subdomain (, make sure you have two A records set to the following IPs: and

More detailed instructions for setting up a custom domain with GitHub pages are also available if you need more guidance.

You can find more information about these changes in our GitHub Pages legacy IP deprecation blog post. If you have any questions, please contact support.

This is business critical as I was unable to find out what aurajs is and thus cannot use it or spread its use.

Hey @addyosmani I think you have the control of that domain, can you please check why this is happening ?


Hello @sbellity , @addyosmani

Any updates on this issue?

Hey folks. Sorry for the downtime! I was only just notified about this again on Twitter and will find out what happened to the domain.

DNS settings were apparently changed in GH documentation. I've updated and will let you know once the domain is back up.

The site is now back online.

@addyosmani It's down again.