aurajs / aura

A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications.

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nested components cause , the component creation of multiple times..

atamer opened this issue · comments

<div data-aura-widget="../js/widgets/accordion">
<div data-aura-id="tckninput" data-aura-widget="../js/widgets/input"></div>

and here is my accordion widget render method

render: function() {
var str = template({tabs: this.nodes });
return this;

and aura starts

var aura = new Aura({debug:'true', logEvents: 'true'});

tckninput component created twice and event trigger twice

I found the problem in component.js aura widgets are searched for whole document

Component.parseList = function(components) {
core.dom.find(selector, components || 'body').each(function() {
var ns = "aura";
if (appNamespace && (this.getAttribute('data-' + appNamespace +'-component') || this.getAttribute('data-' + appNamespace +'-widget'))) {
ns = appNamespace;
var options = parseComponentOptions(this, ns);
list.push({ name:, options: options });

I want to load these widgets one by one , from root to leaf so I changed this code from

base.dom = {
find: function(selector, context) {
context = context || document;
return $(context).find(selector);


base.dom = {
find: function(selector, context) {
context = context || document;
if($(context).find(selector).size() > 0){
var children = $(context);
var foundSelector = $(children).children(selector);
if(foundSelector.size() > 0){
return foundSelector;
children = children.children();
return $(context).find(selector);

looks like working , any idea ?

Hey @atamer,

Would you have time to chat directly with me today ?
My Gtalk is or you can find me on Freenode : #aurajs

That would be great pleasure , i will be online on gtalk in 2 hours , is
it appropriate ?
On Jul 22, 2013 6:07 PM, "Stephane Bellity"

Hey @atamer,

Would you have time to chat directly with me today ?
My Gtalk is or you can find me on Freenode : #aurajs

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Yep, just ping me when you are available

Hi Stephane, i am online now ..

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Stephane Bellity

Yep, just ping me when you are available

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

I was just wondering if you guys had a chance to discuss this further and if so, what the resolutions on the nested components suggestion might have been (just in case others are interested too). If you feel that there's nothing more to add to this issue, let's close 'er :)