aurajs / aura

A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications.

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[Team] 0.9-rc1 and new website

sbellity opened this issue · comments

Hey all,

We are really getting closer to a 0.9-rc1 release. Actually, the target is this week.

We also have a brand new website, I just deployed a preview here

As soon as we feel that the contents are solid enough, it will replace the current website.

About v0.9-rc1

Widgets are now Components

After long months of discussions, we finally all came to an agreement. Widgets are dead, say hello to Components.

The default components sources then moves from ./widgets to ./aura_components.

Same thing for the default bower directory name : Aura will now look for them under bower_components instead of components.

Note that we will keep support the data-aura-widget attribute in addition to data-aura-component until 1.0 to ease the transition.

API Changes

Mostly, renaming some method names and namespacing them.

  • app.registerWidgetsSource is now app.components.addSource
  • app.core.registerWidgetType is now app.components.addType
  • app.createSandbox is now app.sandboxes.create
  • app.getSandbox is now app.sandboxes.get

New APIs

In addition to the ComponentType feature, that lets you build and use your own custom Component classes, we came up with a richer API that allows the extensions to mix behavior inside your Components.

Actually, it allows any extension to add before and after callbacks in to any method in your components.

The methods that do that are available as : app.components.before(methodName, fn) and app.components.after(methodName, fn). (cf. API docs here :

It's used in those demo extensions :


This extension injects a brings to life a backbone view inside this.view in all Components.


This extension allows a MUCH better experience dealing with templates in an Aura app.

Please provide feedback on this new API !

Better support for starting and stopping Components

One of the most requested features, in addition to the HTML API based on data-attributes, we now have a much better support for managing your components lifecycle in javascript.

We put together an example app here : that shows how to actually use it. People who already have experience with Aura 0.8 should feel at home ;)

New Website

It's deployed on for the moment. It will replace as soon as possible.

Landing Page

We still need to work on the landing page to make it more readable and attractive. Less text content and a better overview of what the project is about.

Getting started

It still needs some love but the content is getting stronger and it is covering a good chunk of the features available.


The API docs are now automatically generated from the inline jsdoc inside Aura. The workflow is awesome ;) We actually have the exact same setup as ember's documentation.


We are going to start putting together some Guides. This Guides section is actually a lightweight blog engine. If you have good ideas for articles, tutorials or use cases, feel free submit them (please do !). The idea is to start building a knowledge base there.


A few links to opensource examples apps. A lot of them are built with, but if you have ideas for great showcase apps, they can be featured there.


We just have a list of questions that need answers there. I'll start writing them tomorrow. If you feel we missed something important there, please let us know.

We are also going to put together a list of real apps / websites out there that use Aura, if you have some apps in production in the wild, we would love to know about it and promote them on the website.

Please, we need your help to review / proof read / augment what we currently have to have a great 0.9 release ! If anyone wants to help with a specific task or contribute specific content for the website, let us know !

Thanks guys !

Oh and by the way, the 0.9 release branch is here if you want to run it or test the demo app I just linked.

I'll be around tomorrow on the IRC channel (#aurajs)

Who would be available to join for a Google Hangout this wednesday ?

@addyosmani @buritica let's find a right time for this call : I'll be available from noon to 2pm or after 3:30pm EST

Please pardon any formatting or brevity as I'm mobile:

Love the changes to the API. They are far more readable in my opinion.

Do the new APIs refer to after and before events in the context of all components or an individual component? I ask because the naming currently reads a little more like the former, however if .components is a more general namespace for all component related methods that should be fine.

Do, like Angular, we want to support data attributes without the data-prefix? Does doing so come with a large overhead?

On FAQ I've shared my list of questions. Let's work together to craft some answers.

I've also left feedback on the new landing page on the website repo.

On tutorials I think a start to finish of authoring an app with two widgets communicating would be a nice goal.

On examples: could, where possible we highlight which apps are built with hull, perhaps with a little corner banner or text so its clear to our users?

(Please pardon the thread spam) :)

Once we've discussed feedback on the API, would it be possible to merge the 0.9 branch with master and move the demo extensions to either the org or (if you think it would be better) an examples repo in the org? Minus any API changes, they look really solid. Nice work, @sbellity!

Re: syncing up - I'm travelling quite a bit during the day but will be back and looking at issues later tonight BST.

If you get a chance to clarify regarding my question on the API docs, I would be happy to go through the codebase and try filling out descriptions for methods which don't yet have them. I just wasn't sure whether it was a bug in the API docs generation process or code-coverage of comments :)

Hey guys, all this looks really good. I'll be flying today to South America for a family emergency so I hope to review everything on the airplane.

I assume since @addyosmani and I will be travelling we won't be able to make the 2:30 call with @sbellity. Can we pin down another time. Could we do 2:30 EST tomorrow?

Tomorrow 2:30 EST works for me. If that's ok for you we will post the link to the Hangout here so that anyone interested can join.

@sbellity In which repo/branch should we make
PR's for website changes?

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Stephane Bellity <


Tomorrow 2:30 EST works for me. If that's ok for you we will post the link
to the Hangout here so that anyone interested can join.

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The source code for the website is in aurajs/website master
It's a middleman app, just run bundle and then middleman to run it locally

To build it, run git clone build and then rake build
To deploy it cd build then commit and push.

One thing though, make sure that aurajs/website and aurajs/aura live in the same directory as the rake build task rebuilds the api documentation from aurajs/aura jsdoc automatically and make sure that aurajs/aura is on the 0.9-rc branch...

It's a little bit tedious for the moment, we'll work on automating this a little more ;)

This should definitely go into readme in both aurajs/website and aurajs/ repos. :)

Do the new APIs refer to after and before events in the context of all components or an individual component? I ask because the naming currently reads a little more like the former, however if .components is a more general namespace for all component related methods that should be fine.

@sbellity just wondering if you got a chance to see this question. I don't mind if we cover it in the hangout :)

They apply to all components.
It's actually an API that can only be used from inside extensions.

On 10 juil. 2013, at 17:08, Addy Osmani wrote:

Do the new APIs refer to after and before events in the context of all
components or an individual component? I ask because the naming currently
reads a little more like the former, however if .components is a more
general namespace for all component related methods that should be fine.

@sbellity just wondering if you got a chance
to see this question. I don't mind if we cover it in the hangout :)

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As we merged 0.9rc with master and updated the site (and are actively working on guides) let's close this.