auntaru / gcp01

Google Cloud Terraform project

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Google Cloud Terraform project.

It's project which will create Google Cloud MySQL innodb cluster based on Compute Engine. I will use the smallest possible machines and MySQL community version. It's just for self development and training purposes.

As result you may connect to InnoDB cluster using public IP of MySQL router and port 3306 (R/W access) or 3307 (R/O access)

By default there are 3 instances created (1 master and 2 slaves). There is possibility to create up to 9 instances by running: terraform apply -var 'count_instances=...' (for example count_instances=9)


  • Cloud - Google Cloud Platform
  • Compute Engine VM - There is no possibility to use f1-micro without database tuning (maybe it will be next version), as there is not enough memory to run MySQL 8.0 on default settings. Recommended g1-small (1.7 GB RAM)
  • OS - Project is written with using CentOS 8, but it may be modified to any other OS
  • MySQL - MySQL 8.0 modules. In my opinion there may be also version 5.7 used.

Future improvements:

  1. Project may be extended for using containers for MySQL 8.0
  2. Securing all ports
  3. Elimination 'sleep' commands in scripts
  4. Putting passwords into terraform vault
  5. Support more nodes than 9
  6. More clean terraform code
  7. Logging and tracing errors
  8. Output with public IP of MySQL router at the end of terraform deployment

Additional notes:

In case you need change temporary MySQL password after installation, I found nice bash example:

password=$(grep -oP 'temporary password(.*): \K(\S+)' /var/log/mysqld.log)

mysqladmin --user=root --password="$password" password aaBB@@cc1122

mysql --user=root --password=aaBB@@cc1122 -e "UNINSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_validate_password';"

mysqladmin --user=root --password="aaBB@@cc1122" password ""

Useful commands:

mysqlsh mycluster@mysql01

MySQL Shell:

var cluster = dba.getCluster();


select @@port
select @@hostname


Google Cloud Terraform project


Language:HCL 54.7%Language:Shell 45.3%