augustoliks / docker-log-config

rpm-package | rsyslog, logrotate and docker config files, configured to: ingest, process and persist and manage retention/rotation containers logs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Rsyslog, Logrotate and Docker config files, configured to: ingest, process and persist and manage retention/rotation Containers logs.


Package Version Description
docker 19.03.8 Container Runtime
rsyslog 8.2008.0.master-1597014157 Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemon
logrotate logrotate-3.15.1-1 Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files


This project was publish in RPM package format, available in Copr Repositories.

To install docker-log-config package, first, enable this follow Copr:

dnf copr enable augustoliks/docker-log-config

After enable augustoliks/docker-log-config, this docker-log-config already avaible to install.

dnf install docker-log-config

How it Works

Containers logs will be persist in disk. Each day (midnight specifically), log files are rotated and compressed. The last 30 log files per Container will be preserved.


Developer Notes

  • Create new Release:
tito tag
  • Test RPM build:
tito rpm


rpm-package | rsyslog, logrotate and docker config files, configured to: ingest, process and persist and manage retention/rotation containers logs


Language:Makefile 100.0%