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Converts aax to audiofiles online. Please don't sue me amazon.

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weird issue with higher quality files

brokenbr4in opened this issue · comments

first i would like to say thanks for your work on this it is awesome

i have noticed an issue when using this with some of the higher quality aax files usually the ones with _ep7 at the end f the filename

something is a bit off with the resulting m4b file they dont work properly in some android apps the file manager on my pixel 4a cant play them they also dont get imported into Smart Audiobook Player correctly

i did some digging with ffmpeg and found that if you re encode the audio the files work correctly im not sure what causes this here is an exaample of the ffmpeg command i used:
ffmpeg -y -activation_bytes 1a2b3c -i 'input_ep7.aax' -map 0:v -map 0:a -c:v copy -c:a aac -ar 44100 -b:a 125k 'output.m4b