atwright147 / sorting

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sorted Orders

You would be creating a function that will sort the response from an endpoint in the hierarchy specified below in descending order: $total > $metric_value_per_property

JSON Response Schema

    "category": "string | $total",
    "itemName": "string | $total",
    "clicks": "number",
    "quantity": "number",
    "amount": "number"


The orders data being returned from the Orders endpoint matches the response schema above. The goal of this exercise is to sort the JSON response in descending order such that the total value ($total) of each property (category, itemName) takes precedence over its individual metric values. As an example:

Given a sample field in the array with values as follows:

    "category": "$total",
    "itemName": "$total",
    "clicks": "160",
    "quantity": "18",
    "amount": "702"

This would take precendence over:

    "category": "Household",
    "itemName": "$total",
    "clicks": "105",
    "quantity": "50",
    "amount": "5000"

followed by individual items like:

    "category": "Household",
    "itemName": "Toothbrush",
    "clicks": "4",
    "quantity": "4",
    "amount": "12"

Example Input

Category Item Name Clicks Quantity Amount
Electronics TV 12 1 300
Household $total 60 12 37
Electronics $total 100 6 665
Household Fairy dish liquid 44 5 10
Electronics Speakers 43 3 240
$total $total 160 18 702
Electronics Microwave 4 1 85
Household Toothbrush 4 4 12
Household Hand wash 12 3 15
Electronics Toaster 41 1 40

Output Sorted by Amount metric

Category Item Name Clicks Quantity Amount
$total $total 160 18 702
Electronics $total 100 6 665
Electronics TV 12 1 300
Electronics Speakers 43 3 240
Electronics Microwave 4 1 85
Electronics Toaster 41 1 40
Household $total 60 12 37
Household Hand wash 12 3 15
Household Toothbrush 4 4 12
Household Fairy dish liquid 44 5 10

Output Sorted by Quantity metric

Category Item Name Clicks Quantity Amount
$total $total 160 18 702
Household $total 60 12 37
Household Fairy dish liquid 44 5 10
Household Toothbrush 4 4 12
Household Hand wash 12 3 15
Electronics $total 100 6 665
Electronics Speakers 43 3 240
Electronics TV 12 1 300
Electronics Microwave 4 1 85
Electronics Toaster 41 1 40

Output Sorted by Clicks metric

Category Item Name Clicks Quantity Amount
$total $total 160 18 702
Electronics $total 100 6 665
Electronics Speakers 43 3 240
Electronics Toaster 41 1 40
Electronics TV 12 1 300
Electronics Microwave 4 1 85
Household $total 60 12 37
Household Fairy dish liquid 44 5 10
Household Hand wash 12 3 15
Household Toothbrush 4 4 12


  • Complete the OrderSummary.jsx file such that a request is made to this endpoint: and the response is sorted and rendered in a HTML table for visualisation

    • Add logic to the fetchData function in sort.js file to load the data from the endpoint specified above
    • Complete the sortData function in sort.js to apply the sorting logic explained above
    • Import the methods above into the OrderSummary.jsx file and wire it up to render the sorted table
  • Don't hardcode the sort metric. The sortData method hence, has the following schema:

    const sortData = (data: Array<Object>, sortFn: Function) => {
        return sortedData as Array<Object>;
    const sortFn = (row: Object) => row['metric']

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.



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