atulkum / pointer_summarizer

pytorch implementation of "Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks"

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Decode generating same summery

Rachnas opened this issue · comments

Thanks for providing Pytorch implementation for summerization. I trained the model on custom data set for ~15000 iterations. On decoding, same summery is generated for all the stories. I am not sure where exactly is the problem in code, still debugging. Any help/suggestion is appreciated.
In beam_search code, there is a comment '#batch should have only one example' where as in BeamSearch constructor, bacther takes batch size same as beam_size(4). Is it correct ?


Yes the first iteration of beam search replicate the same prediction for all 4 steps.

The best way to debug is to step through each line by putting breakpoint in code. An editor like pycharm would help.


i have 2 questions:
why beam_size must equals batch_size?why sample in one batch must same?

The whole batch is used as beam for one instance. This way the decoding is made parallel on gpu.