atoum / atom-plugin

atoum integration: run your PHP unit tests and get feedback right in Atom editor

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Deprecated selector in `atoum-plugin/styles/atoum-plugin.less`

nalysius opened this issue · comments


I just installed atoum-plugin to manage my unit tests within Atom, and I have the following depreciation.

In atoum-plugin/styles/atoum-plugin.less:

Starting from Atom v1.13.0, the contents of atom-text-editor elements are no longer encapsulated within a shadow DOM boundary. This means you should stop using :host and ::shadow pseudo-selectors, and prepend all your syntax selectors with syntax--. To prevent breakage with existing style sheets, Atom will automatically upgrade the following selectors:

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .failing.decoration => atom-text-editor.editor .failing.syntax--decoration

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .failing.decoration span => atom-text-editor.editor .failing.syntax--decoration span

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .failing .region => atom-text-editor.editor .failing .region

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .covered.decoration => atom-text-editor.editor .covered.syntax--decoration

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .covered.decoration span => atom-text-editor.editor .covered.syntax--decoration span

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .uncovered.decoration => atom-text-editor.editor .uncovered.syntax--decoration

  • atom-text-editor::shadow .uncovered.decoration span => atom-text-editor.editor .uncovered.syntax--decoration span

Automatic translation of selectors will be removed in a few release cycles to minimize startup time. Please, make sure to upgrade the above selectors as soon as possible.