atoum / AtoumBundle

This bundle provides a simple integration of atoum into Symfony 2.

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AtoumBundle does not work on PHP7.1

zaiddabaeen opened this issue · comments

When attempting to run

php app/console atoum --env=test -vvv

I get:

Fatal error: Cannot use 'void' as class name as it is reserved in /var/www/symfony/vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/report/fields/runner/tests/void.php on line 11
  Compile Error: Cannot use 'void' as class name as it is reserved  
Exception trace:
 () at /var/www/symfony/vendor/atoum/atoum/classes/report/fields/runner/tests/void.php:11

This has only started happening when I updated to PHP 7.1.

Aah pending release:

#615 was merge. 3.0.0 release will be coming soon!


Actually I had to add atoum/atoum ^3.0.0 manually to have it update and work.