Atomtomate / PyTorchLightningTemplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



There is a requirements.txt file in the root directory. I recommend creating a virtual environment and installing the packages from the requirements file.


  • conda create --name myenv python=3.10
  • conda activate myenv
  • pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the tests using pytest from the root directory. I have had some issues sometimes, so I use python -m pytest instead. You can add the following options:

  • python -m pytest tests/data to run only the tests in the tests/data directory (or any other directory)
  • -s to print the output (print statements) of the tests to the console
  • -v to see the name of the tests that are run
  • -k "test_name" to run only the tests that contain the string "test_name" (k stands for keyword)



Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.2%Language:Python 1.8%