atomone-hub / genesis

genesis for AtomOne

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understand AtomOne

caillom opened this issue · comments

an abandoned place in the middle of nowhere!

a community of 1000 adult M/F individuals find themselves stranded on a beach one fine morning.
no one knows each other, the day passes, we get to know each other, in the evening we go to bed
on the beach on an empty stomach.

Day 1:
When we wake up, we get together and unanimously decide that we need water and food.
this vote received a 100% there are things that unite us!

we set off in search of food, it was not an easy thing to move through this jungle,
where all kinds of critters are swarming but we find something to feed and refresh ourselves.

in the evening, we vote by show of hands to find out if everything will be distributed fairly or
everyone keeps what they there are things that separate us!
It’s a mess, the one who found the water source says it belongs to him etc.....!

so you understand, we need a strong authority to regulate all this mess and protect food.

water and food are the most precious things we have and which we must protect at all costs,
it’s what allows us to live.

if I understood the vision correctly, water is AtomOne.
the source of water is inflation.
water must be protected by the constitution, this is essential.
is the constitution the white paper?
Water is H2O, without water life does not exist
H:atomic number 1
O:atomic number 8
If we add the two together, I say to myself that there are a lot of inexplicable and strange things!

authority and regulation are the Decentralists?

tell me if I'm wrong about the vision!
help me make this story something coherent that everyone can understand.

Days: 2
every day is a new story, ................

Nice thread, we need to fill up the tanks of water .

where is the constitution

The file is technically here:
But some pieces also are in here:

The file is the main entrypoint for newcomers.

if I understood the vision correctly, water is AtomOne.
the source of water is inflation.

Related to this, $ATOM1 is tokenized trust for running blockchains securely. $ATOM and now $ATOM1 are the tokenization of stake based blockchain consensus trust.

Is Trust like Water? Water comes from elsewhere and we consume it. I don't think trust is like this in general. Trust is something inside of us, and yet how "good" this trust is and how well it aligns with everyone else's trustworthiness and their own trust distribution, it can be beneficial or even harmful.

Trust is similar to Faith and Faith is like Water sometimes. We all need to drink water, and when we are thirsty and find a well in the middle of a desert that saves us, it is a lot like the kind of spiritual experience people have. Are people thirsting for $ATOM1? Something to believe in besides Mammon?

Here is a different analogy.

ATOM is like the Carbon of Life. The Carbon that ties the Trust and Judgement of the staker to the Trust and Judgement of the whole chain. In a sense it is like neural fiber from meat to silicon. If you lose it you will literally feel pain too, and your whole reality may change if you are too invested in yourself AND the chain. And with Life the future is demographics, and we are at a big expansion period because before there was no Life at scale, but now there is Life (transactions) at scale (ICS). So AtomOne is this currently exponentially growing ecosystem, and $ATOM1 is the carbon network that binds the holder's brain to that of the hub.

The $ATOM to $ATOM1 split is like a split of ecosystems. Since we are constitutionally so different, it is like the difference between a single tree and the animal kingdom, but time will tell whether the AtomOne proto-animal can induce Gaia to become a reproducing animal too. My point is, don't let the tokens take over your heart and mind. If you let it, it will.

But if I'm honest, the best analogy is PoW mining hardware and corresponding solar panels. PoW hash ability keeps getting better exponentially every year meaning every hash/sec power you had before from your self-sustaining solar powered mining equipment is getting depreciated exponentially too. The $ATOM1 inflation is like the supply of new mining gear, and all the PoW miners are using their income to buy more mining equipment as much as they can, because otherwise they will lose out mining power % over time.

I think I may be just grasping this, to proactively maximise and sustain inflation you need to fuel the machine with tangible work and a constant supply of real tools in which to do the job. None of this fractional reserve out of thin air nonsense that erodes the workers rewards, subjects them to hardships that fall upon them by stealth with virtual invisibility. Building a tower that is ever growing upwards and self fulfilling for the community & the chain is the aim.

The US Greenbacks were an example of sound fiat money. History shows us it's possible to achieve. I know ATOM is not money but the lessons from the creation of the US Greenback shows that equitable and fair systems are possible, a system where everything thrives. Anything that has a human interaction and that models itself on fairness is my idea of utopia. That's, incidentally why I am here.

I thank you jaekwon and FarOutAndCosmic, the one that speaks to me is :

I think I understood, let's imagine that PoW mining equipment is like shovels for digging in a mine, and solar panels are like energy sources to operate these shovels.
Every year, new, even more efficient excavators come onto the market, which means that old excavators become less efficient.
It's a bit like you're given new shovels all the time, and you have to use them to stay competitive. Otherwise, you will lose efficiency over time.

AtomOne is a star born from this chaos!

I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going there with pleasure! this is my motto as an interstellar traveler, exploring the wonders of the universe.
in France, a nursery is a childcare center. “Pouponnière” in French, this word is charming and it has something that I can’t define, its translation into English is too ugly. maybe it’s because the French are romantics, who love babies and stars.

from what I have just seen, a star nursery is a place where stars are born. everything becomes difficult for me from now on:

Simply put all the ingredients in a specific order in a container with a lid. If you don't want to repaint the kitchen, close the lid tightly.

A nebula is a cloud of gas and dust inside this nursery.

gravity is this invisible force that prevents us from floating , but which also makes us fall when we stumble.

contraction is when the gas cloud shrinks under the influence of gravity, like a deflating balloon.

Heating is when the gas cloud becomes hotter and hotter due to contraction, like a hot water bottle heated in the microwave.

Friction is when the hydrogen atoms in the gas cloud rub against each other, like matches struck on a box.

Helium is a gas lighter than air, which makes you speak with a duck's voice when you breathe it, but which can also explode.

Nuclear reactions are when hydrogen atoms transform into helium atoms, releasing a huge amount of energy, like an atomic bomb.

flash is when the gas cloud suddenly lights up, like a camera flash.

the star is when the gas cloud becomes a ball of fire that shines in the sky, like an electric bulb.

This is how stars are born, which will then evolve and shine for millions or billions of years. This is how the existence of visible light in the Cosmos begins. this is also how the chemical elements that make up matter are born, such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. it is thanks to these elements that life can exist on certain planets, such as Earth. So it’s thanks to the stars that we are here, you and I, discussing nurseries.
Isn’t that beautiful?

“If” by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Days: 2
every day is a new story, ................

we wake up with hunger in our stomachs and thirst in our throats. we realize that we have mismanaged our resources, and that we have wasted water and food. we also realize that we need order and cooperation to survive in this hostile place.

we then decide to organize ourselves into groups, according to our skills and affinities. we elect representatives, who will be responsible for making important decisions and enforcing the rules. we call these representatives Decentralists.

we get to work, to improve our situation. some are responsible for finding food, others for building shelters, still others for making tools. but most importantly, we must maintain the perpetual operation of the solar shovels.

So we establish a constitution, which is a set of rules that govern our community. this constitution is based on the white paper, which is a document that explains the functioning and principles of our system.

we are proud of our constitution, and our white paper. we believe that they will allow us to live in harmony and prosper. we think they will help us understand the mysteries of this place, and find a way out. we think they will make us happy.

but you have to be wary. because there are things that we do not know, and which can upset our destiny. there are dangers and enemies. there are inexplicable and strange things. there are things that will divide us, and oppose us. there are things that will make us suffer, and make us die.

But that’s another story, another day.