atom / one-dark-syntax

Atom One dark syntax theme

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Syntax color is mismatch for this PHP source (1.18.0)

Daijobou opened this issue · comments

Atom : 1.18.0
Electron: 1.3.15
Chrome : 52.0.2743.82
Node : 6.5.0

See this mismatch syntax color in image

In this version I remove only the empty comment line and its fine

Here with empty comment line and I remove instead in SQL code "a" (red rectangle)

What happen here? Here the code for testing
$select = DB::query('SELECT * FROM table a INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.fieldA=b.fieldA WHERE a.fieldB>:var1 AND a.fieldC=:var2 AND a.fieldD IN (1,2) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table3 c WHERE c.fieldA=:var3 AND c.fieldB=a.fieldC AND c.fieldC IN (1,2,6) LIMIT 1)')
->bind(':var1', $var1)
->bind(':var2', $var2)
->bind(':var3', $var3);

$value1 = 1;
$value2 = 'text';`

P.S. That issue is with all themes installed in atom. I'm not sure where report this issue :)